Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3) - Page 8

He turned to face her, feeling a little bad at the wary, doe-in-

the-headlights look in her eyes. But when he decided he wanted something, Max pulled out all the stops.

“Lucy, how would you like to design the next Max Savage restaurant in lower Manhattan?” he asked in his smoothest voice.

* * *

Lucy had never considered herself fragile. No matter what life threw at her, she’d always pulled herself together and moved on. But in this moment, she’d reached the limit of what she could handle.

Traveling to New York while listening to Lucas complain about missing meetings and work. Feeling the obvious tension and dislike her brothers had for her boyfriend and pasting a smile on her face anyway, because she wouldn’t let anything ruin Decklan and Amanda’s celebration. Max confronting her about her choice in men—her blood still boiled at that one, and that kiss… oh, that kiss… Then the argument and breakup with Lucas that she hadn’t explained to anyone yet.

Now Max was offering her a job that required her to uproot her life in L.A. and return to her family’s orbit… and Max’s undeniable pull? Move to New York? Work with Max? Her heart beat harder at the thought, and panic set in.

Hell no, she thought.

“I think it’s a fabulous idea!” Gabe said.

“Of course you do,” she said under her breath.

Ignoring her, he went on. “You could move into my old apartment. I haven’t sold it yet.” Gabe took over, making decisions for her as was his M.O. Another reason living in L.A. worked for her.

Lucy glared at Max for bringing up this idea in front of her siblings. “This is all very sudden,” she said. “I can’t just make a decision to move in an instant.”

“But you aren’t totally against the idea?” Decklan asked, excited at the prospect.

Max, damn him, just stared steadily at her, as if he could get his way by sheer force of will.

“She has a boyfriend in L.A.,” Isabelle reminded Decklan. “You can’t push her like that.”

“Where is jerk-face anyway?” Gabe asked.

“Actually Max said he left. He just didn’t explain why.” Decklan glanced at Lucy. “So answer Gabe’s question. Where is jerk-face?”

She narrowed her gaze, and her palm twitched with the urge to smack him. If her brother wasn’t careful, he’d give her the excuse she needed to blow off steam.

“Decklan,” she said, definite warning in her tone. She wasn’t ready for a general announcement about her love life. Especially one that would include her explaining how she’d kissed Max.

“Back off, boys.” Isabelle stepped forward and grabbed Lucy’s hand. “It’s time for girl talk. Amanda? Inside, now.” And just like that, Isabelle herded the women into the house.

“What about your guests?” Lucy asked as she followed her sister-in-law into her private study, where she shut the French doors behind them.

“The men can handle them. I’m worried about you, and that’s all that matters right now.”

Lucy glanced at her sister-in-law. Her long blonde hair curled around her shoulders, and her curvy body had only grown fuller post-pregnancy, but what always struck Lucy about Isabelle was her warm, expressive features and caring nature. Suddenly overcome, she hugged the other woman tight, embarrassed when tears formed in her eyes.

“This is supposed to be Amanda’s day, and here I am ruining it with drama.”

“You couldn’t ruin my day if you tried,” Amanda said. She, like Isabelle, had blonde hair, though she had more waves than curls. And she also had a sweet, caring personality.

Her brothers had chosen well.

Lucy needed a tissue. Since becoming a mom, Isabelle had begun to stock every room with toddler necessities. A quick glance and she found a box on the desk. She pulled one out and blotted her eyes.

“Now, what can we do to help? Because I didn’t mean to give Max an opening about the job. Is that what this is about?” Amanda asked.

“It’s a lot of things.” Beginning and ending with Max, Lucy thought.

“Let’s begin with the fact that Lucas is gone?” Isabelle asked.

Tags: Carly Phillips NY Dares Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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