Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3) - Page 10

With a wink, Isabelle walke

d out the door, and Lucy heard her footsteps as she ran up the stairs toward her one-year-old’s room.

Amanda met Lucy’s gaze and shrugged. “Umm, I ought to get back to the party.”

Another traitor, Lucy thought. But she didn’t want to upset Amanda so soon after her admission about thinking Lucy didn’t like her when nothing could be further from the truth.

“Go ahead. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Lucy wanted some time to pull her thoughts together before facing her brothers… or Max.

She wasn’t ready to make a decision about her future just yet. With the destination wedding around the corner, she’d been planning on making the nearby hotel room her home base until she returned from Eden. But now that she was alone, she might as well be comfortable while in New York, and her brother’s awesome place in Manhattan was perfect. She already had her own room there anyway, with extra clothes and toiletries and makeup.

The sound of the doors slamming shut startled her, and she turned to find Max standing in the entry to the study. For the first time all day, she allowed herself to really look him over, without guilt, without shame.

His dirty-blond hair, always a touch too long, gave him a roguish look that appealed to her… despite her having dated clean-cut Lucas. Max might be a businessman, but muscles bulged beneath his cream-colored dress shirt, and masculinity exuded from every pore. His face was tanned and oh so handsome while his sexy, white smile could make her panties melt away, and she shifted uncomfortably, not wanting him to notice how he affected her.

She straightened her posture and decided to get this discussion over with. “Max.”

“The party is emptying out.”

She released a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding. “That’s good. I’ll just borrow Gabe’s car, head on back to the hotel, and pick up my things.”

Max shook his head. “You aren’t going to face that asshole alone.”

“You’re the one who kissed his girlfriend. I’m sure he thinks you’re the ass.”

Max treated her to a wicked grin. “Fair point. I’m still not letting you deal with him by yourself.”

“Let me?” Lucy’s anger threatened to boil over. “You’re not letting me?” she repeated, her voice rising. “Someone spare me from these alpha men in my life!”

“At least you admit I’m in your life.”

Leave it to him to take her insult and turn it into an in of some kind. “I can drive myself to the hotel. Lucas was angry, but he won’t hurt me.”

“No, he’ll just insult you,” Max muttered. “You have two choices. You can let me drive you there, or I can ask one of your brothers to do it instead.”

Gabe still had guests, and it was Decklan and Amanda’s special day. Even so, either one of them would agree with Max and insist on driving her to the hotel. “You don’t play fair.”

“Never said I did.” He walked over and placed a warm hand behind her back.

Her body, still on edge from that hot kiss and the desire he’d seamlessly ignited inside her earlier, trembled, his touch setting her on fire all over again.

“Lead the way,” she said, her husky voice giving away too much. Max’s ego was already big enough. He didn’t need any more encouragement or incentive.

If Lucy knew Lucas, and she did, he’d packed up and headed for the airport to get on the next flight to L.A. In all probability, he would be long gone by the time they arrived, making the trip to the hotel quick and painless. Or as painless as it could be with hot, gorgeous Max by her side.

* * *

At the hotel, Max was disappointed he didn’t have the ex-boyfriend to deal with. Another lesson in how to treat a lady would have been a pleasure. Yes, he knew he’d provoked the man and he shouldn’t have pushed Lucy into that kiss, but regardless, Lucas’s anger should have been directed at Max and never at Lucy.

She didn’t speak to him while she packed up her things or during the drive to Manhattan. He didn’t mind the silence, using the time instead to soak in her scent and just appreciate the fact that he finally could act on his desires. Once he had Lucy alone, he’d be a man on a mission, and she’d have his full attention.

At Gabe’s, he insisted on carrying her bags, and they took the elevator up to the apartment on Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park. Max, too, lived on the Upper East Side, not far from here, which made Lucy’s decision to stay in the city and not upstate even more convenient. Not that he’d tell her that. He had enough stacked against him as it was.

The doorman automatically let them up, and after more silence in the elevator, they stepped into the darkened hallway, and Lucy deactivated the alarm and unlocked the door.

He wheeled her large suitcase into the foyer and placed her carry-on on the floor beside it. “That’s everything,” he said.

She turned to him, meeting his gaze. “Thank you so much for helping me out,” she said sweetly. “It was really nice of you to go out of your way.”

Tags: Carly Phillips NY Dares Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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