Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3) - Page 19

She swallowed hard. “Just that you, Decklan, and Amanda have gone there. And there was one in L.A.”

He narrowed his gaze, the dangerous look in his eyes setting her nerves on edge. “You’ve been there?” he asked incredulously.

She shook her head. But she’d wanted to check the place out. At the very least, she was drawn to the idea of being dominated.

Max blew out a long breath. “But you were curious.”

Again, she nodded.

“About which part?”

She tilted her chin and met his gaze. “I find the idea of being dominated… exciting. Which makes sense, I guess, considering I let Lucas basically run my life.”

“No. That’s not the same thing. What Lucas did was selfish. Dominance and submission… It’s a gift.” He stared at her for a long while, assessing her and clearly thinking.

She didn’t know what was going on in his head, and she twisted her hands nervously in her lap.

“Stand up.”

“What?” She blinked at the demanding tone in his voice.

“I said, stand up.”

Same commanding voice and Lucy rose without thinking.

A slow, sexy grin edged his lips. He folded his arms across his tanned chest, his muscles a thing of beauty. He lounged even more casually against the sofa, his relaxed position at odds with the note of power in his tone. It didn’t escape her notice that she responded to that command. Her breasts felt full, her nipples tight and pressing against the flimsy white dress, something he had to have noticed.

“Remove your dress,” he said.

“What?” She glanced at him, startled. But her pulse began to pound, and arousal seeped from her sex.

“You heard me, princess. Undress.”

She shook her head, about to balk… when understanding dawned. He was showing her what the sex club was like. What being dominated was like. He was inviting her into this part of his world. And offering her a way to find herself again, to let go and enjoy.

“I’m waiting.” He drummed his fingers against the cushion, his impatience showing.

She stood at a crossroads. She could say no and he’d snap back to the easygoing Max she normally dealt with, or

she could… play.

Lucy gathered every Dare family trait she possessed, strength, courage, and fortitude, and made the decision to indulge and enjoy. She reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, tossing it onto the floor beside her, and faced the man of her dreams.

* * *

Max stared at the vision before him and wondered what he’d done to get so fucking lucky. It’d been a gamble, pulling his Dom voice on Lucy, but everything inside him said to pull her in and keep her close. She wanted this. And he was determined not just to keep her enjoying life but to show her the difference between some asshole boyfriend telling her what to wear and how to style her hair and the beauty in what they could be to each other.

And beauty was such a mild word for what he saw when he looked at her. He rose to his feet and walked around her, taking her in. The long, lustrous dark hair hanging down her back, the nicely rounded breasts and rose-colored aureoles, tight, perky nipples.

“You. Are. Perfect.” His gaze traveled downward to the bare mound he’d felt earlier.

She visibly shivered. “I don’t make it a habit to walk around the house naked. Or to stand at attention while some guy studies every inch of me.”

He stepped into her personal space and tipped her chin so she met his gaze. “As to the first, if you lived with me, you damn sure would walk around the house naked.”

Her eyes opened wide, her thick lashes blinking in surprise.

“And as far as the second, I’m not just some guy.” He leaned in and nipped at her lower lip. “I’m your guy. For now,” he quickly added before she could put up any mental or emotional barriers. “And your guy is going to make you feel good. Let’s sit.”

Tags: Carly Phillips NY Dares Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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