Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set - Page 22

“Yeah. For once, I didn’t mind the boredom. I came up empty.” He formed a zero with this thumb and forefinger.

“Guess she appreciates you more now than when we used to tag along after her,” Griff said. “Even Jared grew up to appreciate his pain-in-the-butt older brother.”

“Yeah. After he got over the fact that we tailed him home from school to protect him and ended up blowing his first chance at scoring with the woman of his dreams,” Ryan said on a laugh.

With his little brother gone, the times when Griff, Ryan, and Jared had stuck together through school, sweat-filled summers on the streets, and a rough neighborhood seemed like a distant memory. But to Griff s surprise, Ryan’s recollection made him smile instead of gripping him with grief.

There were moments, Griff was sure, when his little brother had resented Griff and Ryan’s constant interference, but all three of them had benefited from the closeness they’d shared.

“So how’s the squirt?” Ryan asked, changing the subject.

Griff leaned back against the plastic seat cushion. The diner across from the local courthouse wasn’t known for comfort or good food, just quick service. “Actually, Alix is great.”


“Not through the night, but for longer hours at a stretch.” Coincidence or not, Griff appreciated the pre-bedtime hours Chelsie gave to his niece. She might not have children of her own, but the woman definitely had mother potential. Some man would be lucky to get her.

“What’s with the scowl?” Ryan asked.


“So what do you think made the difference?”

Griff had avoided this subject for the past two weeks. But Ryan had been a true friend when he needed one, so Griff decided to level with him and accept the consequences.

“I’ve got help.”

“Anyone I know?”

“Chelsie Russell.”

“Hot damn, I knew it.” Ryan smacked his hand on the table. “I haven’t heard from you in over a week, so I figured something was up.” He paused to gulp the remainder of his coffee. “Well, I hope things work out for you.”

“That’s it?”

Ryan placed a hand over his heart. “You wound me. I’m a sensitive guy. I know when to keep my mouth shut.”

“You’re a pal.” Griff stood. “I’ve got to get back.”

“Listen, if things are serious, I could do a little digging. See what turns up.”



“I thought you were sure Chelsie was my answer to life,” Griff said, shooting Ryan a questioning look.

“That was before you went and got yourself hooked. Now it’s my duty to watch out for you.”

Griff rolled his eyes but didn’t bother to dispute his friend. Old habits didn’t die, even when they were no longer necessary. Not to mention that arguing with Ryan was never a worthwhile pursuit.

“Don’t do me any favors,” Griff said. “Just leave things alone.” Chelsie’s business was her own. As long as she looked out for Alix’s welfare, Griff had no problems. He’d deal with his personal life himself.

“Anything you say.” Ryan finished his coffee and stood. “Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.” Griff turned to go. “Hey.”


Tags: Carly Phillips Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024