Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set - Page 31

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Chelsie knew Griff’s prediction of a long twenty-four hours had been said with the express intent of making her squirm. Despite his illness, the predatory look in his eyes accomplished his goal. However, he hadn’t counted on his fever rising and his comfort level declining, making him ill equipped to do more than groan, complain, and drive her crazy. Amazingly, Alix slept on. After dinner, Griff, too, had fallen asleep.

By the time Chelsie had unpacked most of her office, cleaned up the kitchen, and finished the laundry she’d found piled in a heap on the floor, the clock read nearly midnight. After looking in on Alix, she decided to check Griff once more before collapsing on the couch in the den. They hadn’t discussed sleeping arrangements, and Chelsie didn’t feel right invading Mrs. Baxter’s privacy by borrowing her bed.

With only the hall light to guide her, she tiptoed into Griff’s bedroom. She stood at the foot of his bed and glanced down at his sleeping form. His bare chest rose and fell in steady intervals. She smiled, appreciating the changes wrought by sleep. With the tension gone, a carefree expression softened the lines in his face and relaxed his features. Even the razor stubble added a roguish charm.

A far cry from the withdrawn man she dealt with on a daily basis, this man represented pure danger. She wanted him as much as she needed to resist his magnetic pull. Resisting would be easy only as long as he slept on.

Turning her attention to herself, she realized she needed rest. Though she felt like a thief, she rummaged through his bureau drawers. She doubted Griff would appreciate being awakened while she asked if she could borrow a T-shirt.

She ducked into his bathroom and changed into the first shirt she’d found. After shutting the light, she padded through his bedroom. She heard his even breathing and knew he still slept. She couldn’t resist one more look before she turned in for the night. Careful not to wake him, she sat on the edge of his mattress. In silence, she watched him sleep.

She understood his mercurial moods, understood his confusion and reluctance to turn their already precarious relationship into something deeper. His mother had deserted him in life, his brother in death. He acted like a man who wanted nothing to do with women and emotional commitment. One day his views would change. With the right woman, Griff would want to settle down and provide Alix with a full-time mother and little brothers or sisters.

When the time came, could Chelsie gracefully step aside? Could she maintain their partnership and watch him with another woman? Watch someone else take over the role she currently filled in Alix’s life?

She’d always be the little girl’s aunt, but Chelsie knew now that wouldn’t be enough. A lump formed in her throat and she blinked, causing a tear to drip down her face. How had she let herself become so attached to either one of them?

Despite both of their reservations, they found themselves on the verge of a legal partnership and an emotional precipice. Who would catch her when she fell this time?

She sighed and reached over, brushing a dark lock of hair off his forehead. Nighttime always made her melancholy, and she chided herself for succumbing. Her own feelings didn’t matter. For both Griff and Alix, Chelsie would do whatever was necessary, even at the expense of her own happiness. Right now, however, she needed sleep.

She braced her hand on the bed and started to rise. His hand on her wrist startled her, preventing her from leaving.

Chelsie sat back down

, aware that she now shared a bed with an extremely sexy, awake man. “How are you feeling?” she asked.


She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t lie.”


“I’ll get you more aspirin before I turn in.”

“Where?” His question sounded more like a croak.

“On the den couch.”


“Be quiet, you’ll hurt your throat. And don’t make a big deal about it. I’ve slept on my own office couch plenty of times.” She rose, eager to escape her desires. “I’ll be right back.”

She returned and watched to make sure he swallowed the tablets. Then he merely stared. Uncomfortable, Chelsie knew she ought to leave before she succumbed. “If you need anything, I’ll be down the hall.”

“Would you stay?”

The blunt question caught Chelsie by surprise.

“It’s been a rough day or so with Alix,” Griff explained. “On top of that, with Jared’s birthday... I need the company.”

Somehow, Chelsie knew company was all he had in mind—a friend for the dark times. Her heart went out to him. She wasn’t surprised. Over the course of the last two days, she’d suspected the worst. Falling in love wasn’t supposed to be part of her carefully planned future. And now that she had? For Griff’s sake more than her own, she’d have to ignore the feelings.


She forced a grin. “Okay. I guess sharing your bed won’t be such a big sacrifice.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024