Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set - Page 40

She shrugged. “Maybe we were. Maybe something got warped along the way. I know they loved us. Their priorities shifted at some point. They do love Alix.”

“I believe you.”

Because he spoke without hesitation, she believed him, too.

He lowered the frame to her desk. “You miss them.”

“They’re my parents.”

“It’s more than that, and we both know it.” He’d come up behind her. Solid and steady, he aroused both her deep feelings of need and a purely sexual humming she couldn’t seem to ignore. Problem was, it had gotten her into deep waters yesterday. She looked at the tiny silver mementos once more. He’d drawn her in so deep she’d pulled out her past and brought it around to face her present.

Although she might be ready for that, she wasn’t ready to face Griff and explain why she’d left him so abruptly.

He circled her and settled himself back on the edge of her desk, putting distance between them. Had he sensed her unease?

“I think you’re right about this next appointment,” he said.

Chelsie figured he’d pegged her discomfort for what it was. Although he’d granted her a reprieve, she knew it was temporary. “How so?” she asked.

“I’d like to think I can handle this, but I’m not going to risk my client’s safety or security on ego. I’d like you to be there.”

She nodded, impressed with his ability to put someone else first. Impressed with him. “I’ll sit in.”

He shook his head. “Not just sit in. I’ll take my cues from you.”

She knew it was a big concession. “I’m glad you realize your client’s needs come first. You’ll be handling these cases alone in no time.”

“When, Chelsie?”

“There’s no time frame for these kinds of things. See how you feel after today and...”

He cut her off with an abrupt wave of her hand. “I meant when can we talk about us?”

His definition of temporary and hers differed greatly. She gripped the edge of her desk, unable and unwilling to delve into her heart and soul just yet. “Later.”

His eyes narrowed at her words. “Pick a time.”

A knock sounded at the door. She took a step forward, but he was faster, stepping into her path. His large body blocked her chance of moving forward and his waist came into sudden contact with hers. She let out a startled gasp. The knock came, louder this time.

“Just a second,” Griff called. He fingered the pink bow on her silk shirt His hand grazed her cheek. “Pick a time.”

“Lunch,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Perfect” He took two steps backwards, watching as she smoothed her bow with what she knew were shaking hands. “Do you want to get that or should I?” he asked.

“I’ve got it” She needed the few seconds to compose herself. Chelsie brushed past him and opened the door.

A woman around Chelsie’s age stood before them. “Hi. I’m early, but I had to take the bus and I wasn’t sure how long it would take.”

“Come in,” Chelsie said. “Welcome to Russell and Stuart.”

“Stuart and Russell,” Griff said from behind, but she heard the laughter in his voice.

“We haven’t worked out all the details yet, but come on in.” Chelsie waved the woman inside.

She entered, her eyes never leaving Chelsie’s face. Reassurance was important. Chelsie understood that firsthand.

“We can talk in my office,” Griff said, taking charge.

Tags: Carly Phillips Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024