Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set - Page 73

An excuse to be near her. She’d recognized his ploy for what it was, had even called him on it once. He’d merely laughed and reminded her dinner was at six. No excuses allowed.

That was another thing. Laughter came freer and more often around here now, for them both. She caught herself smiling at the thought. Was this what was called building trust? If so, she liked it.

The office doorbell rang. She glanced at her watch. Four-thirty, last delivery for the day. If the package contained the documents she thought, she’d be up for the better part of the night preparing for a deposition tomorrow. If not, she’d be asking for a delay.

She opened the door.

“For you,” the delivery man said.

“Thanks, Frank.”

“Sign here. This one’s your signature only.”

She raised an eyebrow and did as he asked.

“Have a good one.” He turned and headed back down the path.

Curious, she tore open the seal, pulled out the official documents inside, and began to read. Custody papers. Legal, valid change-of-custody papers for the minor child Alix Stuart.

Chelsie’s heart slammed in rapid rhythm against her rib cage. She’d wondered if Griff could possibly cement their future by convincing her he believed she loved him separate and apart from her feelings for her sister’s child. She’d wondered if he’d change his mind about not wanting children of his own. And now she knew.

* * *

“I’m telling you, women aren’t worth the effort,” Ryan muttered. He grabbed a can of cola from the refrigerator and sank into the nearest kitchen chair.

“Big change in tune. Guess your latest girlfriend dumped you,” Griff said with a laugh.

Ryan shrugged. “She couldn’t stand the hours.” He took a swig of his drink and kicked his feet out in front of him.

Following his friend’s cue, Griff loosened the knot on his constricting tie. “Ever think of settling down?” Griff asked.

Ryan raised his eyebrows. “Find me what you’ve got and maybe I’ll consider it.”

“Tell me what I’ve got and I’ll try and help you out” Since her return from Florida, Griff had had one hell of a time figuring out where he stood with Chelsie.

“Pathetic. Both of us,” Ryan said and finished the soda in one large gulp.

Griff agreed. He also wondered if it was about to get worse. Knowing she needed some normalcy, Griff had bided his time before pulling out the last weapon in his arsenal. It had taken him a week of sleepless nights to figure out the one thing that would cement their lives together at last—at least he hoped so.

If Chelsie wasn’t swayed after today, there would be nothing left to say. Hell, he’d sever the partnership himself. He couldn’t see her professionally and not have her in his life when the workday ended.

Footsteps sounded on the back stairs leading from the house to the office. He turned to Ryan. “Not that I don’t appreciate the ride back from the office, but don’t you have some place to be?” He’d left Mrs. Baxter his car so she could do the long-overdue food shopping.

Footsteps were replaced by a loud knocking on the adjoining door. Ryan turned towards the noise. “Don’t you think you could give her a key?” he asked. “Might make her feel more welcome.”

Griff rolled his eyes. “Tell you what,” he said as he walked towards the door. “You make yourself scarce, I’ll give Chelsie that key. Then she can lock you out.”

Ryan rose and tossed the soda can into the recycling bin beneath the cabinet under the sink. “There’s loyalty for you. I’m going, but one thing first.”

Griff reached for the handle on the door. “What’s that?” He opened the door to see Chelsie on the other side.

“Invite me to the wedding,” Ryan said as he paused in front of her.

“What wedding is that?” she asked.

Ryan shrugged. “Ask your partner. Good seeing you again, Chels.”

“You too, Ryan,” she said to his retreating back.

Tags: Carly Phillips Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024