Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set - Page 145

“Now’s not the time to argue over who’s more important,” Peter said and gave her a nudge in the ribs.

“Ouch.” She shot him a dirty look. “Watch it before you do some permanent damage.”

“Quit stalling.” He drew his arm back as if to give her a second push.

“Okay,” she muttered, mentally acknowledging that fear held her back. She let out a deep breath and opened the door.

The room was small and antiseptic in appearance as well as smell. Beige walls and white bedsheets did little to add cheer to an otherwise bland atmosphere. Her heart thudded against her ribs and she glanced toward the bed where Mike lay, apparently asleep.

Quietly, so as not to disturb him, she tiptoed into the room and pulled out the chair next to the bed. She sat, then lifted his warm hand and clutched it between her own. Love rose deep within her and filled the emptiness that his departure had created. The need to throw herself into his arms and stay there forever grew with each passing second.

The panic that used to automatically follow her intense feelings for Mike didn’t surface this time because thanks to her parents, she’d learned a lot. Like the fact that the father she’d accused of not honoring his commitments had done just that. By returning to his marriage and making it work, he wasn’t the man of disgrace she’d believed, but a man of conscience.

Like Mike. Another man she’d accused of not knowing the first thing about keeping promises. His return abroad was proof... She’d been wrong again.

She let her gaze rake over him, and she took in the fact that he was home and safe. Carly gave a silent prayer of thanks that he would be okay. It wasn’t nearly enough. Peter had reassured her many times on the ride over that Mike wasn’t injured, merely out of commission. Never before had her ex-fiancé’s words given her so much comfort.

Mike stirred in his sleep and her gaze focused again on his face. Though he had only been gone a month, his hair was noticeably longer. He hadn’t shaved at all during his stint abroad and his almost full beard did little to dim his sexy good looks. Despite the gray pallor beneath the tanned skin, he possessed that give ’em hell look she’d come to associate with Mike.

With care, she pushed a stray lock of hair off his forehead. When his golden eyes opened, relief washed through her and she smiled. “You’re the only man I know who can spend a month in a war-torn country and come home unharmed only to get blindsided by appendicitis.”

He grinned, but she could see the gesture took a great deal of effort. “You always knew I was unique.” He motioned toward the plastic water jug.

She poured for him and he gulped the entire cup. “Better?” she asked.


Silence filled the small room. Carly glanced over her shoulder and realized that Peter had sent her in alone. She turned back to Mike. “I was worried,” she said in a whisper.

“I wanted to come back sooner.”

“You did what you needed to. I understood that.” She fingered her bangs. The desire to admit her feelings was overwhelming, but his weakened state stopped her. So did the fact that she had no idea how he felt in return.

Yes, he was back, but for how long this time, she wondered. And even if he was to stay, what kind of future could they have? What was she capable of giving to him, and he to her?

“Can I get you anything else?” she asked instead.


bsp; He shook his head.

“Now that I know you’re okay, Peter’s waiting in the hall.” She rose, carefully releasing her grip on his hand. Before she could take a step, he caught her arm in a surprisingly strong grip for a man just out of surgery.


Carly swallowed hard and tried to keep her inner panic from showing on her face. Deep, cleansing breaths, she silently ordered. When dizziness assaulted her, she knew she’d been unsuccessful.

“I’m not running anymore,” he said, in a voice still rough from medication but also tight with emotion.

“I know. You’re flat on your back,” she quipped with more lightness than she felt.

“You can’t joke your way out of this. We need to talk.”

“And you need to rest.”

Mike closed his eyes. Apparently she was right. The exhaustion was evident on his face and every forced word he spoke.

“You’re right,” he said finally.

Tags: Carly Phillips Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024