Seduce Me - Page 15

“Actually, my secretary made the reservations so I know we’re on the same floor. Across the hall, in fact,” Jack said.

“These villas are available to rent for special occasions.” She set the tray in front of them on a small table and plucked a grape from its mooring.

“And this is a special occasion?” A wry smile formed on his lips.

“If that’s your take on the evening, I’m pleased.” She popped the fruit between her lips. The succulent juice burst, coating her mouth.

“I notice you don’t always answer a question directly.”

She edged closer to him. “I’m a lawyer. I’m trained in the technique of evasion.”

“It doesn’t look like you’re evading now,” he murmured.

She leaned forward, her weight braced on the palms of her hands. “Do you like grapes?”

He briefly glanced at the tray before meeting her gaze. “I could be persuaded to have a taste.”

“I hoped you would say that.” Now or never, Mallory thought and closed the distance between them, placing her lips over his.

Jack’s eyes registered first surprise, then darkened with desire. Closing her eyes so she wouldn’t drown in his gaze, she rubbed her lips delicately over his, using the juice from the grapes to tease and arouse. His lips were damp, tasting of vodka and man as a low groan escaped from the back of his throat. A curling warmth exploded in her belly with the knowledge that her passion was reciprocated. But it wasn’t enough.

“You wanted to taste grapes.” Her words were muffled against his lips. “Open up and taste the fruit, Jack.”

She knew he wasn’t a man prone to taking orders yet she didn’t have to demand twice. His lips opened on command and she slipped her tongue inside his hot, m

oist mouth. She’d read somewhere that the salivary glands under the tongue could be stimulated easily and secrete a sweetness that was unbearably arousing. She tested that theory now, using her tongue beneath his, to dart in and back, to tease before finally tangling and twining with his.

His groan came harsher this time and she felt his body shudder in return. His hands came up to brace her cheeks, to tip her head and hold her in place. Her heart beat hard and fast inside her chest along with an accompanying pulsing that had taken up a steady rhythm between her legs. One she felt, too, in the base of her throat.

In all her years, she’d never experienced the flame of desire raging out of control. Though she enjoyed sensuality, she’d yet to find a man who unleashed her hidden self. Jack Latham was that man and the yearning wouldn’t be denied. His arms grasped her waist and pulled her closer. Mallory responded, arching her back, deliberately rasping her painfully erect nipples against his chest, seeking relief, seeking him.

She’d set this scenario into motion but she’d only pictured Jack’s response to the feminine side he didn’t believe existed. Not once had she taken her own reactions into account. Even if she had, she’d never have been able to imagine such pleasure from a mere kiss. Such an all-consuming, building need inside her.

All from taking charge of the feminine desires she’d denied for too long. From letting loose the fantasy she’d always had surrounding this man.

Without warning, his tongue became more demanding, more insistent. He took control with the same sweeping, thrusting movements she’d tried on him. He was persistent, hot and erotic, on her palate, beneath her tongue, taking and draining every bit of moisture she possessed. Was it her imagination or was the sweetness of the wine magnified when shared? She tipped her head back and he swept the deep recesses of her mouth like a lover thrusting into carnal oblivion.

A small voice in her head whispered something about teaching him a lesson and warned her to take back control before it was too late. His lips felt so hard and so right, his touch so demanding she wanted to succumb to every sensation, taste and nuance. By the time he slowed and nibbled on her lower lip, every nerve ending she possessed was on fire. Her every thought and desire was attuned to Jack’s.

She reached her hands out to cup his wrists, taking hold of something, anything to keep her grounded. She couldn’t say who broke the kiss first, but when they separated, she needed the heated touch his skin provided, needed the connection with him to remain. Not a good sign, Mallory thought, amazed she could think at all.

“Delicious.” His low, throaty voice sounded more like a growl.

“So you liked the juice from the grapes.” A smile curved her now sensitive lips.

He nodded. She lifted the circular ring of grapes from the tray and draped it provocatively around her neck.

His eyes opened wide but he didn’t miss a beat. “I liked them but I think I need another taste to be sure.” He dipped his head and nibbled on the necklace she’d created and Mallory thought certain she’d died and gone to heaven before she realized she’d never been that good or deserving in her life. She certainly wasn’t being a good girl now.

His dark head bent over her chest and his silky dark hair brushed her throat. He smelled uniquely male and the scent rushed through her body as potent and heady as liquid desire. And his lips—those lips that had accepted her teaching and then kissed her with great skill now grazed not just the fruit, but her flesh. Warm laps of his tongue were followed by shorter, nibbling bites that just happened to miss the grape and end up on her skin.

She shuddered and moaned. She tipped her head back to give him better access. To the succulent fruit or to the waiting cleavage between her breasts. She sighed when his breath teased and groaned but he didn’t touch.

When he finally lifted his head, a wicked grin curved his lips.

“Now how were they?” She managed to summon a strong voice, determined to maintain control of the situation despite the fact that she’d never felt less in control of herself or her body.

His darkened gaze remained steady on hers. “Sweet and giving.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024