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Seduce Me

Page 23

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She slung her suit jacket over one arm but thanks to the salty air and the growing heat, the material stuck uncomfortably to her skin. She took two steps and decided she couldn’t take the stabbing pain any longer. Giving up, she pulled off her shoes, hoping she could make it through the lobby and into the elevators unnoticed.

She never made it past the front desk.

“Good morning, Ms. Sinclair.”

Startled, Mallory turned to find Mrs. Lederman walking toward her. “I see you’ve found the beach already this fine day.”

Mallory slid a self-conscious hand to her hair. “Is it the wind-blown mess or the scent of the ocean that gave me away?”

The other woman laughed. “Actually it’s the trail of sand.”

Mallory glanced down to see the traces of sand she’d left behind with each step she’d taken. She sighed, feeling the heat of a flush rise to her cheeks. “I guess you could say I wasn’t dressed for a stroll on the beach.”

“Not a problem. We’ve got kids running through here barefoot all day. This is a resort not a palace. I hope you’re finding it to your liking?” The older woman’s gaze never left Mallory’s face, making her feel as if she were truly interested in her comfort and happiness.

Despite the woman’s elegant appearance, she possessed a distinct charm along with motherly instincts Mallory couldn’t help but admire. Her own mother had never been as kind or caring. When Mallory had tracked dirt into the house as a child, she’d found herself with a broom in her hand and facing a disgruntled look on her mother’s face. And when she’d annoyed her mother, her father’s displeasure was sure to follow.

She glanced at Mrs. Lederman. This woman had every reason to dislike her and treat her with callous disdain, yet not a cruel word or gesture had escaped her perfectly lined and coated lips. Mallory didn’t appreciate the painful memories of her childhood this woman evoked, nor did she enjoy the resurgence of longing in her heart. A yearning for acceptance she’d thought she’d banished long ago.

But how could she banish the desire to be loved and accepted when every move in her life had been calculated to gain her parents’ respect and admiration, she thought to herself. Their love was a moot point. They reserved that emotion for each other alone.

“Is everything all right?” Mrs. Lederman asked.

Mallory forced a smile as she met the other woman’s compassionate gaze. “As a matter of fact, everything’s perfect. Not only is this place beautiful…” Mallory gestured around the contemporary lobby “…but it’s a chance to get away from the real world for a while.”

“Lucky you. Unfortunately, this is my reality.” Mrs. Lederman’s lips trembled before she was able to hide the signs of her distress.

“Mrs. Lederman…”

She shook her head. “Alicia.”

“Alicia.” Mallory bit the inside of her cheek. “This is awkward.” And though she hadn’t approached Alicia Lederman, hadn’t been hired and therefore hadn’t breached any ethics, Mallory felt uncomfortable.

“Nonsense.” Alicia waved a hand in the air, revealing a large solitaire diamond glittering on her left hand.

Obviously Mrs. Lederman hadn’t removed her wedding ring. Because she was holding out hope or because she wanted to hang on to the stone? Mallory immediately discounted the mercenary thought. Her instincts were rarely wrong and this woman with warm brown eyes radiated sincerity and goodness.

Kindness that brought back disturbing recollections and led to reinforced insecurities, none of which helped when Mallory had a job to do. Which was to prove to Mr. Lederman she and Jack were the divorce attorneys he wanted on his side.

“It’s only awkward if we choose to make it that way,” the other woman assured her. “Now is there anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable?”

“Aside from you not being difficult about the divorce or settlement?” To her credit, Mrs. Lederman didn’t flinch, though Mallory did. And inside, her heart died a bit at her own harsh words.

She might have told Jack she’d do whatever it took to make her case, she might even have tried to believe it herself, but she didn’t have to like it. And the more she saw of her client’s wife, the worse she felt about herself and the side she’d chosen.

Mrs. Lederman drew herself up and squared her shoulders. “You know, I respect the fact that you don’t mince words. You remind me of my daughter.”

Mallory shook her head, unable to believe what she’d done. “I’m sorry.”

Mrs. Lederman shook her head. “For being a professional? Nonsense. There’s nothing to forgive.”

“Why are you doing this?” Mallory asked, unable to help herself. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Would you believe me if I said I like all guests to enjoy our hotel?”

Mallory nodded slowly. “Yes, I would.” She’d believe anything Mrs. Lederman said. “Your daughter’s lucky to have you.” The words escaped before Mallory could stop them.

“I wish my husband felt the same.”

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