Seduce Me - Page 37

Her gaze widened as she took in the obvious bulge in his shorts. The soft skin on her neck rose and fell as she swallowed hard. “If you behave maybe I’ll let you see them on me.”

A wicked gleam flickered in Jack’s heated stare. “I’d rather see them off.”

“What makes you think you aren’t? Seeing them off me I mean?” She stood and made a provocative show of wiggling her behind. Used to frilly panties, the sensation of bare skin against cooler material felt wickedly decadent and erotic. She settled herself back on the bed.

He eased himself beside her. “You aren’t daring me to check, are you?” His fingers inched towards her.

“And ruin the element of mystery and surprise? Not a chance.” She playfully slapped his hand. “But you can get us ready for our swim.” She grabbed the bottle of massage oil from the nightstand and handed it to him. “Do my back.”

“It’s nighttime.”

She grinned. “And I thought we were using our imaginations. I wouldn’t mind a little help getting the hard to reach spots.” She stretched her legs out in front of her and wiggled her toes.

His eyes darkened as he accepted the bottle. “Do I get to call the spots?”

His hands on his choice of her body parts. A tremor of awareness shot through her veins. “If you think you can handle it.”

He reached down and pulled at the hem of his T-shirt, lifting it up and over his head. “I assure you I can.” His eyes bore into hers. “The question is can you?”

She stared at his broad chest, darkened from the summer sun and roughened with a sprinkling of dark hair. The man gave new meaning to the word sexy, she thought.

She managed a grin. “You know better than to throw a challenge my way.” She pulled her hair to one side and stretched out farther onto the bed. “Where do you want to start?”

She met his gaze, saw his eyes darkening. Then he opened the top of the bottle and poured a liberal amount of scented oil onto his palm.

“I’d like to start at the bottom and work my way up. But I also believe in saving the best for last, so roll onto your stomach and we’ll begin with your back.”

“Mmm. I can get into that.” She sighed and rolled over, resting her chin on her hands. A back rub might help relax some of her tension and nerves and eliminate lingering insecurities that remained.

And then he straddled her back. Insecurities and most other thoughts fled. Though his weight was braced on his knees, the pressure of his firm backside and groin against her hips wouldn’t be denied. An erotic tingling suffused her body and a throbbing beat of anticipation took hold.

Relax? She should have known better. This was foreplay. A distinct tremor rippled through her.

“You doing okay?” he asked.


“Then let’s begin.” His voice came out a low rumble and then warm, hot hands touched her back, branding her skin.

He began a slow lubrication of her shoulders, smoothing his palms over her upper back and down her arms with practiced ease. Gentle pressure alternated with harder thrusts, giving her the massage she’d desired while covering her body with oil. The distinctive scent of coconut assaulted her, wrapping her in a heated cocoon of warmth and desire.

She searched her mind for conversation, something to break the awareness and allow her some control. “This feels wonderful,” she said instead.

So much for control. But she admitted, she didn’t want anything mundane to interrupt the heady sensations he was stirring inside her.

“That’s the point.” His deep laugh reverberated against her. He didn’t stop his gentle ministrations as he spoke. “Listen to the crashing waves. I rent a beach house for two weeks at the end of every summer. You can’t beat the relaxation or solitude.”

She had to agree. The ebb and flow of the tide sounded much like the rushing of blood in her veins, soothing yet arousing at the same time. “A beach house of your own and you haven’t made time for skinny-dipping?”

“No more than you’ve made time for vacations, I bet.”

“Unfortunately I can’t afford the time off.” His fingers rounded her shoulders and moved up her neck. He hit the spots that held the most tension and as her muscles relaxed, her awareness rose.

“You could if you wanted to.” He leaned forward. All heat and hard male body, he trapped her between him and the mattress. “You could if you put yourself first. Before that all-consuming need to impress people whose love should be given unconditionally.”

His implication was clear. Her drive for partnership was for the wrong reasons.

“Besides, you know what they say about all work and no play,” he said before she could respond. His voice sounded close and his breath fanned her ear. Her nipples hardened in response, pressing against the bed.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024