Seduce Me - Page 40

“I’m here.” His thumb moved in small circles until her breathing came in shallow labored gasps.

He’d found the right spot, the one that made her wild. The one that made her his. Maintaining a steady rhythm and keeping a slickened finger inside her body, he edged her closer and closer to the precipice.

“Go with it, sweetheart.” He urged her on with his words and his calculated movements until her climax hit fast and furious.

He felt the shudders wracking her body, relentless in intensity and just as he thought she was coming down off the crest, he pressed his palm one last time against the juncture of her thighs. She let out a sound that was a groan of utter pleasure and surrender.

Jesus, she was hot and wild and her uninhibited moan rocked the foundation of his world. He’d give almost anything to experience the same moment inside her body.

Almost. Because after the intense reactions they’d both experienced with just a kiss, if he made love to Mallory, Jack feared neither one of them would find their way back to a sane, solitary life.

Her spasms stopped as quickly as they’d come and he found himself gazing into her sated deep blue eyes. Minutes passed in silence. Finally, when her labored breathing reached a normal rate, she spoke.

“You give new meaning to protection from the sun.”

He was glad she’d taken things lightly. After the intimate moments in this bedroom, he feared she’d get too serious.

Then he laughed wryly. Perhaps he was at risk of losing himself to this woman who’d begun to trust him with her most personal demons and secrets, but he couldn’t say she felt the same. At least she hadn’t been in control of herself seconds earlier, he thought smugly.

“Wipe that self-satisfied grin off your face before I’m forced to take drastic action.” She pulled her skirt down and pushed herself to a sitting position, hugging her knees against her exposed breasts. All without meeting his gaze.

So she wasn’t the woman of the world she wanted him to think she was. The thought gave Jack immense pleasure. Not that he had any delusions that he was her first anything, but he could tell from the shy way she cast her eyes from him and the becoming flush on her cheeks that Mallory wasn’t overly experienced in dealing with things afterward. She was most definitely the enigma he’d painted her as, with more intriguing facets revealing themselves to him as time passed.

He reached for her bathing suit top and draped it over her head. Gratitude filled her gaze, warming him, caressing him in her essence. He swiveled her to the side and retied the open strings of the bikini at her back.

All without sound or roaming hands. No matter how much he desired to leave her bared to his gaze, she’d obviously be more comfortable covered. And her comfort mattered more to him than a lingering glance at her bare breasts or an extra stroke with his hands. Being with Mallory was hot and electric, but it was more than a casual sexual encounter he’d leave behind in the morning and forget by the next day.

Jack wasn’t stupid and knew there was an important subliminal message in his feelings regarding this affair, but he chose not to heed it. Affair being the operative term, a brief interlude where they could both indulge their sensual natures.

He shifted positions so he moved back in front of her again.

“Thank you.” Emotion flickered in her gaze.

He flashed her a charming, light grin. “You’re welcome.” He cupped her chin in his hand and brushed his thumb over her silken skin. “The whole point was to give you pleasure.”

She laughed. “You know I meant thank you for the bathing suit, not thank you for the…” A red-hot blush stained her cheeks and she shook her head. “Never mind that. But the whole point was to entice you.”

“And you did it very well. In a very unique way.”

She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Every woman in the office wants to entice you. I’m not a Terminator groupie. But you challenged me and I just wanted…” Her voice trailed off, and he got the distinct impression she figured, why bother explaining.

But he desired an explanation. Badly. He knew women were drawn to him, but he never took the attention seriously. He figured they liked a challenge and a partner-challenge made him even more of a catch in their eyes. He tended to ignore both the gossip and the interest. But Mallory was different and he never wanted her to feel grouped with a bunch of women whose notice he neither encouraged nor wanted.

He bent closer. So close he could brush his lips over hers, and without thought, he did. She leaned into him, softening her mouth against his and he accepted her encouragement, drawing her into a moist kiss, more meaningful and less urgent than before. Then he pulled back. “You wanted to what?” he asked softly.

Her lashes fluttered upward. “To show you what it’s like to be an optimist, like we discussed the other day on the beach. To give you something to dream about when our time together is over.” Wide eyes stared up at him, drawing him in with her honesty and sweetness.

“You wanted me to dream about you.”

She inclined her head in a slight nod. “The same way I’ve dreamed about you,” she admitted.

He was flattered, but realized he didn’t like the end of their relationship being discussed aloud. Especially coming from her luscious, well-kissed lips. Even if she was right and an end was inevitable.

He leaned back, his chin resting on his knees as he studied her flushed face. “I’ll dream about you, Mallory. In ways I’ve never dreamed about anyone else.”

She met and held his gaze. Warmth and bonding bounced between them before she shook her head and broke the spell. She smiled. “Why don’t you hand over the oil and let me give you more for the memory books?” Her lips turned upward into a wicked grin. “You’re not the only one who can satisfy.”


Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024