Seduce Me - Page 53

“You’re killing me.” His lips moved against hers.

“Now why would I do that before we’ve gone all the way?” She wriggled her hips downward, feeling him begin to harden and swell beneath her.

“You feel good.”

“There’s so much more where that came from. And remember, control is an illusion. Now be at my room at eight.” She bolted for the front seat before her desire and feelings for this man overwhelmed her too soon.


MALLORY LAY on her bed staring into space. When she’d pleased Jack today, she’d done so knowing she loved him. When she made love with him tonight, she’d know the same. And with each step, she’d find it harder to walk away.

What had started as a game was now an important part of her life—memories she would store and treasure for always. The fun they’d shared and the feeling of having him inside her. And, she thought, recalling the scarf she’d grabbed from her drawer earlier in the day, she wanted to create those same memories for him as well.

She didn’t want him to ever forget Mallory Sinclair. Because she knew for certain she’d never forget him.

She had only a few hours to prepare her room and herself. A tremor of excitement shimmied through her as she undressed, removing the clothing she’d worn for their trip today. A hot shower, a quick dinner and some last-minute arrangements and she’d be ready for Jack.

A hard knock on the door startled her. “Coming.” She slipped into her robe then glanced into the peephole.

“Jack?” Something had to be wrong, she thought, as she unlatched the chain.

She hadn’t planned on seeing him until tonight.

She opened the doo

r quickly. “What’s wrong?”

His jaw was pulled tight with obvious tension and unease. “I need to make a quick trip back to the city,” he said.

“Is everything okay?” She gestured with a sweep of her arm and he followed her inside. The door slammed shut behind them, enclosing them in the small entry to the room.

“Family emergency.” He leaned back against the beige wall and shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. His steely eyes were as cool as his voice.

Icy tentacles of unease swept through her. Mallory knew better than to take his change in attitude personally but his aloof demeanor hurt just the same. She curled her fingers into a fist to prevent herself from acting on impulse and smoothing the crease in his forehead or massaging the tension from his tight muscles.

He didn’t seem as if he’d be receptive to any intimate gesture right now and considering how hard her heart was pounding in her chest, she doubted she could handle an outright rejection.

Not when she wanted desperately to ease his distress. So much for professionalism and remaining detached, she thought wryly. Falling in love had a way of shattering that kind of objectivity.

She clenched the lapels of her robe tighter in her hand. “I appreciate you letting me know.”

“I didn’t want to just disappear on you without an explanation.”

Somewhere in the depths of his eyes, she sensed a softening of emotion and hoped she wasn’t just imagining things she wanted to see. Though disappointment flowed heavy through her veins, so did concern. Whatever this family emergency was, it had changed his mood and affected him deeply.

She wondered if the urgency had to do with his parents but thought better of asking. If he wanted to confide in her he would. “When do you need to go?”

He glanced at his watch. “A car’s picking me up in fifteen minutes.”

Uncertain of what to say next, she clenched and unclenched her fingers around her robe. “Is there anything I can do?” she asked, finally.

He shook his head. “Just keep an ear out around here.”

“I expect to hear from Rogers soon.”

He nodded. “I’ll check in with you when I get back.”

She sensed he was too distracted to concentrate on business. “When do you think that will be?”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024