Dare to Submit (NY Dares 2) - Page 14

“I did some further digging…” Brad said.

Her eyes opened wide and anger immediately surfaced. “How could you? It was one thing to look into Decklan to make sure I was safe. Another to do it for kicks.” She clenched the papers in her hands so hard they crinkled irreparably.

“Do you really think I get my kicks seeing you miserable?” He both looked and sounded hurt at the thought. “I know how much you want to see this guy again. I figure eventually you will. That being the case, I needed to know more than he’s a decent guy with no serial killers in his family history.” He grinned in an attempt to soften her up. “Come on. You’d do the same f

or me. If you had my hacking skills, that is.”

She rolled her eyes. He was sweet and meant well, but she was still upset with him. “Don’t tell me what you found out.” If she learned anything about Decklan, it would be from him and no other way.

He raised both hands in a gesture of defeat. “Suit yourself.”

That was the problem. If she suited herself, she’d be back in New York, looking to find Decklan at the club.

* * *

Decklan sat at the club, nursing a drink and, yes, dammit, brooding. He had access to an entire police department database, giving him the ability to look into one Ms. Amanda Collins if he wanted to. But why bother with a woman only too happy to slip out of his bed and disappear on him for over a month?

Some would say the fact that he couldn’t get her soft moans and cries of ecstasy out of his head was reason enough. In Decklan’s mind, that only meant she threatened the stability he’d created in his life and the control that kept him sane. Which didn’t mean he wasn’t a staple at the club on weekends, hoping she’d return.

His cell rang and he glanced down. His lips turned up in a grin despite the hell he knew was sure to come. “Hi, Lucy. How are you?” he asked his sister.

“You haven’t called me back!” she chided him. Lucy lived in L.A. part time, and though she used to stay at Gabe’s when she visited New York, with him married, she’d taken to staying at Decklan’s. But she hadn’t been here in a while.

Last time, she and Max had gotten into some sort of argument, and neither was willing to discuss the reasons behind it. He shrugged. Not his business.

“Hey, Lucy. Sorry, I’ve been busy.”

“Arresting people? Because I’m not sure Gabe’s forgiven you for cuffing Isabelle.” She snickered into the phone.

He rolled his eyes. Yes, he’d arrested Isabelle before she was Gabe’s woman, but in Decklan’s defense, there’d been a warrant initiated by her asshole ex accusing her of stealing his car. Not that Decklan had known the details at the time.

“Quit causing trouble, Luce. That’s been over for a while.”

And he’d bribed himself back into Isabelle’s good graces with a bottle of Tums and aggravated his brother at the same time. A win-win, as far as he was concerned.

“Are you okay? Because Gabe says he hasn’t heard from you either.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. The one drawback to being close with his siblings was the way Lucy tended to push into his life under the guise of concern. Of course, both he and Gabe would do the same to her if they thought anything was amiss. Nobody would hurt Lucy if they could help it.

“I’m fine.” Just avoiding most of humanity and trying to decide what to do about the woman who’d breached his walls. He couldn’t get her out of his head.

Lucy huffed, and Decklan could envision the scowl on her face.

“Well, if you don’t get back to your usual grouchy self—as opposed to your silent and seriously grouchy self—soon, I’m coming out there to see for myself.”

“I hear you. And there’s nothing to worry about.”

He listened to her catch him up on her life, and finally they said good-bye, him promising to get his head out of his ass soon. God, he loved the little brat, he thought with a grin.

He put his phone back in his pocket just as Max arrived, settling into his usual seat. “I have to say, for a man who insists he’s not going to renew his membership, you’re here all the time lately.”

Max knew exactly why Decklan was here, so there was no point in answering.

“If she does show, at least tell me you’ve got a plan?” Max said, pushing as usual.

“I have no fucking clue.”

“Well, I hope you get one.” Max slapped him on the back. “I see Emmy giving me the eye. I’m going to go remind her who’s the dom,” he said. “You ought to find a sub and do the same.”

Tags: Carly Phillips NY Dares Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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