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Simply Sensual (Simply 3)

Page 12

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“At least you have the weekend. Unless you have someplace you have to be, like work.”

“I work at a portrait studio uptown, but I’m off Saturday and they’re closed Sunday… which reminds me. I need to call and let them know why I never showed up after lunch.”

“Go ahead.” He gestured to her cell. While she made her call, a wave of relief washed over him. He wouldn’t have to follow her around and watch her back for the next two days because she’d take care of herself at home. He’d have a reprieve.

“The owner was very understanding.” She hung up the receiver. “I’ll rest up today but I’m working on a freelance project in my spare time, so I can’t afford to sit around and pamper myself because of a few scratches.”

He was curious about the project she’d mentioned but more concerned about her safety. He narrowed his gaze. “You’re not planning on heading back to the park, are you?”

Her shoulders stiffened and she lifted her chin a determined notch. Not a good indication that he’d get his wish on this. And definitely not a sign she was pleased with his interference, either.

She let out a slow exhale. “Any reason why I shouldn’t go back there?”

“Other than the obvious?” Much as he’d love to back off and respect her independence, he couldn’t.

“No punk kid is going to run me off. I come from stronger stock than that and I don’t respond to threats.”

“Threats? Threats? What haven’t you told me, Grace?”

She opened her mouth to speak, then shut it again, clamping her jaw tight. Apparently, she’d decided not to let him in on whatever he’d missed back at the park. If she thought keeping secrets would deter him, she was wrong.


She bit down on her lower lip. The same lip he’d kissed and sucked into his mouth minutes earlier. He stifled a groan and concentrated on what was important: her safety.

She shook her head. “You’re doing it again, you know. Changing the subject.”

“If you ask me, you’re doing the same thing.”

She grinned. “But we’re talking about you.” She stepped closer. “And you’re avoi

ding the fact that I had a question of my own. I want to know about you.”

He shook his head in exasperation. Emma was right. Grace needed a keeper. Like it or not, he’d have to stick close, at least until he knew more about the threats she’d mentioned and until he discovered what was behind today’s attack. Suddenly, it didn’t seem as random as he’d originally thought.

He spread his palms wide and played along, treating her to an easy grin. “Ask away. I’m an open book.”

“Good. Then you won’t mind telling me how long you’re staying across the hall.”

He lifted her chin and looked into those brown eyes. “I wouldn’t mind at all if I didn’t think you had an ulterior motive. What’s up, Gracie?”

She stepped closer until he could inhale her scent and practically taste her glistening lips. “I just want to know how long I have to seduce you.”

* * *

Seduce him. The next day, Grace’s words still haunted him. She’d uttered themnti with such complete certainty that even twenty-four hours later Ben was still aroused. The hell of it was he didn’t think he could deny her if faced with an all-out assault. One he felt certain would come. Grace now knew she had three weeks to act—or not act, if he had his way.

After her proclamation, he’d answered her question and made a quick exit. She should have taken the hint. But her soft laughter had followed behind him, telling him she didn’t consider his hasty retreat a defeat. Considering the feelings rioting inside him, she had every reason to feel victorious.

If it were just her sexuality he had to deal with, Ben felt certain he could easily maintain his professional distance. Instead, he found himself faced with a beautiful woman he also respected and admired. Walking away from her trust fund when it would have been easier to give in and live easy, spending her days at the park to give back to society—he’d yet to discover what that meant, but he sensed great import behind her words. She was generous, caring, and gutsy. And though he’d withdrawn last night, he didn’t know if he’d have the strength to do it again.

What Grace didn’t know or understand were the reasons for that withdrawal. So far, she hadn’t asked. But she would. And he couldn’t give the simplest explanation without revealing he was being paid to investigate her and he wouldn’t betray a client’s trust without permission. Emma’s trust had to come before his personal feelings, never mind the money he’d see from this case.

But he never wanted to face Grace’s wrath should she ever discover he’d deceived her. He felt guilty enough as it was, and guilt was an emotion alien to him when dealing with the subject of an investigation—another clear sign Ben was in too deep.

He hooked a hose up to the building’s outside spigot and dragged it over to his car. The high-rise boasted not only a doorman but a circular driveway with plenty of room to spare. The super, being a car fanatic himself, hadn’t minded Ben’s request to hand-wash his Explorer outside the building. He needed the distraction even more than his truck needed cleaning.

He squeezed the sprayer on the hose and began watering down his vehicle. As he bent for the bucket of soapy water, an uncomfortable sensation of being watched pricked at him. He shook off the feeling, knowing he was surrounded by high-rise apartment buildings and windows galore.

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