Simply Sensual (Simply 3) - Page 16

He let out a groan. He hadn’t wanted it to come to this, but she’d left him with no choice. He reached for the hose behind him. “Grace.” He called her back, banking on her good manners to kick in.

They did and she turned to face him. “What?” She raised her hands outward, the action pulling the white jersey taut across her chest. “It’s called getting back in the saddle, Ben. Facing your fears. I can’t do that with a bodyguard by my side.”

She was right. But he still couldn’t let her go alone. “You said you used to hand-wash cars with your brother?”

“Is there a point to this other than stalling me?” She tipped her head to the side and her blond ponytail swiped her shoulders.

He shrugged. “I just wanted to remind you of the fun times in your childhood.” With remorse but not regret, he raised the hose and turned it on her.

The cold water hit her chest and Grace let out a shriek. Then she leaped forward and made a grab for the hose, only Ben was faster. He turned out of the way just as she managed to get a hand locked on the green rubber. She yanked hard and caught him off guard, but the force of the water took the hose out of his hands. It hit the ground, moving around like a snake, saturating them both.

* * *

Grace knew she ought to be furious, but she was too busy laughing instead. For those few minutes, she’d felt young and free as she had only when she’d hung out with Logan—away from the judge and her mother, their control, and social mores.

She yanked her shirt free of the knot she’d made earlier and wrung out the hem while Ben got the hose under control. “Don’t think I don’t know that was deliberate.”

He turned back toward her, his eyes gleaming with amusement and mischief. “You left me no choice.” He met her stare briefly before his gaze darted lower.

She followed his lead and looked down only to find her pure lace bra was completely visible through the wet T-shirt. A fact Ben hadn’t missed if the darkening of his irises was any indication. A breeze blew through the air, chilling her wet skin. Her darkened nipples pulled into tight peaks before her eyes—and Ben’s steely gaze. That control was shot to hell if she had to take a guess.

And Grace couldn’t say she’d miss it. Obviously, she’d captured his attention, and no matter how awkward she felt, damned if she was going to fold her arms over her chest and ruin the moment. A bad girl wouldn’t miss this opportunity.

“We all have choices, Ben.” They both knew she spoke more of the electricity between them and what he chose to do—or not do—about it.

He folded his arms across his broad chest. “And I’m choosing to walk away before this gets out of hand.” He turned toward the truck. Away from her.

But Grace wasn’t giving in. Not now. She grabbed for his wrist. “What are you running from?” She’d wondered before. Now she had to know.

A steady stream of people had begun to enter and exit the building. “Can we take this somewhere private?” he asked, deliberately staring at her chest. A reminder that if he could see what was so clearly visible, so could anyone else who chose to take a peek.

She refused to let him accomplish his goal—to make her uncomfortable enough to do the backing off for him. “Sure thing.” She grabbed for the handle of the truck, slid into the back. And waited.

He stared at her in disbelief.

“Are you going to join me? Because I look pretty silly sitting in here by myself.”

His glare told her he wasn’t amused by her antics. She grinned. “No problem. You can go inside and dry off, and I can head downtown as planned.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Not dressed like that, you’re not.”

She treated him to her sweetest smile. “Want to test me?” Grace had no intention of going anywhere in her drenched state except her apartment, and only if Ben went with her. But unless he gave in and crawled into the back for a more personal, intimate conversation, he might just force her hand. And she might find herself walking down the street, giving New York City’s residents a view of more than the skyline.

He let out a growl, then slipped into the front seat and turned on the ignition.

“Where are we going?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he put the truck in gear and drove around the corner, coming to a stop on a side street behind the building. A secluded, quiet area without a steady flow of pedestrian traffic.

“I get it. Privacy.” She grinned. “Maybe I was wrong about you. Maybe you aren’t running from me after all.”

He shut off the engine, opened the door, and got out long enough to switch positions and join her in the back seat. “Okay, princess. I played the game your way. You got what you wanted. You got me alone.” His darkened eyes met hers. “Now, what are you going to do with me?”

Chapter Five

Grace recognized the challenge in Ben’s words. He didn’t think she had it in her to make the first move. She wouldn’t have thought she had it in her, either. But she knew a showdown when she saw one, and if she didn’t act now, there wouldn’t be a later. Suddenly chilled from sitting in a damp shirt, she shivered.

“Cold?” He may have joined her in the back, but he still sat in the opposite corner.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024