Hot Number (Hot Zone 2) - Page 50

Carter had been so pissed about the pregnancy, so angry at Fuller, he'd wanted to get back at his captain. Carter had revealed Carole's pregnancy to the press. But soon after making the call, the anger had subsided and he realized he'd set Carole up for pain and humiliation-something he'd never intended to do. He'd called the press first and realized he'd be hurting Carole later, after it was too late to take back the story.

He picked up the, phone and dialed her hotel room.

He knew she wasn't leaving the city until tomorrow and wanted to make sure she was okay while she was here.

The phone rang and rang on the other end until he was about ready to hang up.

"Hello?" Carole said, out of breath.

"Hey, babe, I’ve been trying to reach you."


"Who were you expecting? Never mind," he said, before she could answer. He was certain he didn't want to know. "How are you feeling?"

"A little queasy. I've been spending more time than I'd like in the bathroom."

Maybe that's why he hadn't been able to reach her. He glanced toward his fridge. "You should try drinking Coke. It'll help. At least that's what my sister said when she was expecting."

"Thanks for the advice, Rick."

He swallowed hard. "No problem. So how are you handling…the rest of it?" he asked, referring to the media attention and hoping she wouldn't make him spell it out. He felt bad enough already.

She inhaled and he heard the long pause at the other end. "It's horrible. The reporters are all over the lobby. I had to ask security to sneak me down the service elevator tomorrow morning just so I can make my flight I can't believe someone at the doctor's office would leak the news about my pregnancy. I feel so violated."

Carter's gut cramped. "What makes you think it was them?"

She sniffed and he imagined her wiping her eyes as she spoke. "Nobody else knows Damian's the father except you and me and I know you wouldn't hurt me."

She trusted him, Ricky thought, fighting the wave of nausea that overtook him as he faced the reality of what he'd done. In his zeal to take everything Damian Fuller had, he'd hurt this woman in the process. He hadn't meant to. He cared about her too much.

Way too much.

If she knew he'd been sabotaging Fuller, she'd dump his ass even as a friend. And he didn't want that. As much as he and Carole had often joked about Damian's arrogance and downfall, she was now carrying Fuller's kid.

Or was she? he wondered, as Damian's words from the press conference played back in his head.

Rick always wore a condom-it was ingrained in his head by his father-and he'd used one with Carole. She'd said she always made a guy use protection, too, but when she'd told him about the pregnancy, she'd said there was one time she and Fuller hadn't used birth control. He'd believed her.

"Hey, babe?"


"Did you and Fuller use protection?"

He listened closely, waiting for an answer.

"I already told you about me and Damian. Why are you asking me again?"

He shrugged. "Something Fuller said to the press about using protection and accidents happening anyway."

She let out a too shrill laugh. "What else is he going to say? That he's not the hero the world thinks he is?"

"I understand, babe. And I'm here for you no matter what."

"That's so sweet." She paused. "But we can't see each other anymore. And Damian can't know we've ever been together, you know that right? Because if Damian will, ummm, marry me and give the baby a name, you know I have to do it. Promise me, okay?"

Rick shut his eyes tight. His position on the field, his number at bat and now his woman. What the hell else did Fuller need to hang on to that ought to be his? Carter wondered.

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024