Hot Number (Hot Zone 2) - Page 60

Instead of thinking, he pulled out his cell phone and searched for Carole's number in Florida. Surely she was home or at least on her way by now. Thanks to Micki’s reaction, he'd had a revelation, a feeling of what it might be like to be the one in Carole's shoes, uncertain of what life had in store. He certainly couldn't live with himself if he left Carole thinking she was in this alone.

Her answering machine picked up on the second ring and after waiting through her recorded message, he said, "Hey, Carole, it's Damian. I know things can't be easy right now…umm… I’ll be away on a seven-day road trip and then let's plan on getting together to talk when I get home. If you need anything in the meantime, you can reach me on my cell." He reiterated the number, though he was sure she knew it by heart, and hung up, feeling better for having checked on her.

He leaned back in the cab and shut his eyes. Just like at night, his thoughts overwhelmed him. In the deepest recesses of-his soul, Damian couldn't imagine fathering a child with Carole. He couldn't imagine the careful planning of his career exploding in his face now, when it was almost over. He still had a chance to go out on top and he didn't want to blow it.

He knew he was possibly the baby's father. But when he tried to do as Micki suggested and face the reality, to view this kid as his, the only child he could envision had blue eyes not brown and naturally blond curly hair, not the kind that came from a bottle.

Unwilling to follow that train of thought, he glanced at his watch. Dammit, he was so late.

To his, never-ending shock, he started to laugh. He'd never been late for a practice, let alone a game. He'd spent his entire career ensuring he remained focused on his goals. And now, when he was preoccupied and completely screwed up, when he ought to be pissed as hell at himself for every wrong move recently made, he felt lighter than he had in years.

MICKI LOCKED HER OFFICE DOOR and drew the shades on the glass windows that made her office visible from the hallway. She'd already freshened her makeup. She had about half an hour to change and make it to her uncle's annual birthday party at his favorite restaurant.

Annabelle was doing better and she'd gotten her doctor's permission to attend the party as long as she stayed off her feet while there and didn't overdo. They'd kept the invitations to a minimum this year, mostly family and a few friends…including Lola and Spencer Atkins.

Separately the two were Uncle Yank's closest friends, even if he and Lola were estranged at the moment, but as an item they were an explosive combination destined to incite Uncle Yank to riot. Micki groaned, knowing it was going to be an eventful night.

She slipped on her new high-heeled shoes, straightened her skirt and opened her office door in time to find Damian on the other side. Since leaving him this morning, she hadn't let herself dwell on him or his situation or else she knew she'd get nothing done. But he was here now and, apparently, eventful was an understatement, she thought, surprised by his unexpected appearance.

He scanned her from her sandals up to the hem on her short skirt, lingered on her tight top and ended on her freshly made-up face.

"You look fantastic," he said, the heat in his gaze and-his husky tone unmistakable.

Warmth spread and the old pulse-pounding desire rushed through her at his compliment. For a brief moment, they were back on the island, unencumbered by life and reality.

"Thank you,"she murmured. She met his gaze and realized he was clean shaven. He was also well dressed in a pair of tan slacks and a black button-down collared shirt with a teasing sprinkle of chest hair peeking out from the opening.

A quick inhale told her he was wearing a sexy cologne and Micki knew she was in trouble. Since he'd played an afternoon game and his apartment was downtown in Gramercy Park, he'd gone out of his way to be here.

She moistened her lips. "So…what brings you by my neck of the woods?"

"You do. You and your uncle. I'm here to take you to his party."

She narrowed her gaze. "I don't mean to be rude but I don't remember seeing you on the guest list." And she'd kill whoever added him because tonight was to have been the only free time she had all day. Breathing time. Alone time without being tortured by wanting what she couldn't have.

“That's because when I called your secretary to find out your plans for the evening and she told me about the party, I called Sophie and invited myself." He treated her to his most endearing grin and her stomach flipped in anticipation.

Of what she didn't know. "I can't imagine Sophie just told you to come."

"Actually, she did. Are you ready to leave?"

Micki silently promised to murder her meddling sister. "I was going to drive my car so I could get home easier."

"I’ll make sure you get home and you can take a cab to work and pick up your car tomorrow."


"And bossy," he agreed with a laugh. "Stop fighting me or you'll be late for the party. I'm leaving for a series of away games tomorrow. I'm just asking you to spend time with me tonight. Fun time. No thoughts of problems or PR or anything stressful," He held out his hand toward her. "Please."

She shut her eyes, tired of her constant internal fight. She still held on to her notions about family and she was adamant about not coming between Damian and his. But he obviously wanted to spend time together and she desired the same thing. They didn't have a future but why couldn't they have time now?

She opened her eyes and saw the opportunity to forget her problems and just have a good time. "Yes. Yes," she said, unable to resist.

He banged one side of his head with his hand. "Say that again? I'm sure I heard you wrong."

She grinned. "You thought you'd have to work harder, didn't you?'

"Maybe but I'm not complaining."

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024