Hot Property (Hot Zone 4) - Page 7

Lola ignored him, meeting Sophie’s gaze instead. “Actually, Yank’s been checking up on Roper ever since he arrived. I feel like the man’s personal GPS system.”

“Speaking of guides, where is Noodle?” Sophie asked.

“One of the staff took the dog out for a walk.” Lola gestured toward the windows overlooking the city. “They’ll be back soon.”

Sophie nodded. “Gotcha. Well, I can understand your concern for Roper. We’ve all been worried about him lately. The papers have been brutal.”

Despite her better judgment, Amy’s curiosity got the better of her. “Why? What’s going on?”

The other three stared at one another, wide-eyed and surprised.

“I guess New Yorkers forget that not everyone else’s world revolves around sports,” Sophie said, realization dawning. “You know that the Renegades made it to the World Series?”

Amy nodded. She just hadn’t kept up with the details since the opposing team hadn’t been from Florida.

“Roper went into the post season in a serious slump,” Sophie said in a low whisper. “He didn’t play well at all in the series, struck out in the clutch and injured his shoulder in an attempt to stop a home run. The team lost the series and Roper became the media scapegoat.”

“Ouch.” Poor man, she thought, then caught herself. The poor man didn’t need her pity, that much she knew for sure.

Despite herself, Amy’s gaze came to rest on the sexy guy who had made her pulse kick up a notch and her mouth go dry.

And he still had a female cozying up to him just like the last time.

“He doesn’t look happy,” Sophie murmured.

She was right. Despite the attention of a woman who appeared to be hanging on his every word, Roper appeared dazed and bored.

“How odd,” Lola said. “Normally Roper loves every bit of attention he can get, female or otherwise.”

Amy pursed her lips and kept silent. She’d once been all too happy to shower him with that attention. Thanks to the scene made by his date at the wedding, everyone here knew it.

“Must be today’s paper that’s getting to him,” Yank said. “Lola read it to me earlier. The News ran a list of New Year’s resolutions. Said if Roper didn’t get a renewed dose of talent from Santa, he should resolve to take a one-way ticket to Siberia as his contribution to the team.”

“That’s awful,” Amy said, shocked by the brutal treatment despite her feelings about Roper at the moment.

“That’s New York,” Sophie replied. “Something you’ll be getting used to, I promise.”

Amy nodded. “Still, I can’t imagine being the center of such negative press day in and day out.”

Yank shrugged. “In this city, it comes with the territory. The bigger the contracts, the worse the scrutiny and the higher the expectations. Let’s go save him,” Yank said. He practically gave Amy a shove forward, calling Roper’s name at the same time.

So much for steering clear of him, Amy thought. And one glance his way had her wondering why she wanted to.

“I’m sorry,” Sophie whispered, catching up with her.

“Not a problem,” Amy said with a forced smile as they walked forward.

Yank Morgan trailed right along with them until Lola deliberately pulled him away for a scolding.

Amy chuckled at the family dynamic, one to which she could relate. But she had something more important to focus on now than Yank and Lola.

Roper’s gaze locked on Amy’s and her insides twisted with the familiar sense of awareness he’d invoked in her once before.

“Ladies, please come rescue me from wedding talk,” Roper said, reaching out and putting an arm around Sophie’s shoulder.

But he never broke eye contact with Amy.

“Wedding?” Sophie asked, her voice rising. “I didn’t know you were even seeing someone special.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024