Hot Property (Hot Zone 4) - Page 60

Although the idea had come to her suddenly, the yearning between them had been building since they’d met at the wedding and the feeling had only grown stronger since they’d begun working together. She swallowed hard and glanced his way. She took in his strong presence, his sexy body, his handsome face, and suddenly she couldn’t think of anything else.

“What do you think?” Hannah asked her, drawing Amy’s attention back to their conversation.

“About what?” She’d obviously missed everything the other woman had just said.

Hannah rolled her eyes, obviously realizing what Amy was preoccupied with. “I said I was thinking of just seducing Mike. Slipping into his bed and daring him to throw me out.” She laughed, but Amy could see Hannah was serious.

“Not a bad idea,” Amy said, wondering if she could pull off such a stunt herself.

“That’s what I’ve been telling myself. We’re here, we’re alone except for the twins—but they don’t care about anything except their music—and there’s no Big Mama to interrupt.” Hannah’s eyes flashed with anticipation.

“I like it,” Amy said, her mind already wondering how she’d manage it herself.

“As for Big Mama, I’ve thought about hiring another manager and cutting out the nepotism, but she really means well. She’s pushed and pushed and helped us get where we are. But honestly, she needs to back off sometimes. And if things work out between me and Mike, her interference would be a make-or-break point between us.” Hannah nodded decisively.

Amy knew Hannah meant what she was saying, but as she knew from watching Roper deal with his family, it was one thing to talk a tough game, another to execute it against a well-meaning but interfering parent. “You need to be blunt and tell her to let you live your life.”

Hannah sighed. “She thinks it’s her job to direct my life. Tell me, is it possible to prevent a steamroller from doing its job?”

“I wish I knew,” Amy said, thinking of Cassandra Lee.

Amy had spoken with Micki earlier and Cassandra had given her hell for sequestering her son and refusing to discuss his whereabouts. Micki had assured Cassandra that Roper was fine and taking care of himself for a change. She’d offered the woman anything she needed from advice to reservations. She just wouldn’t give Cassandra the one thing she wanted. Her son’s current address.

Amy looked into Hannah’s eyes and said, “Just remember it’s your life. If you don’t take control of it, everyone else will.”

“Sound advice,” Roper said, coming up behind them.

“It is. It just isn’t easy,” Hannah murmured. “I should go talk to Mike. We’re supposed to go over some things for this summer’s upcoming concert. We’ll talk later,” she said to Amy.

Hannah worked her way over to her band and, with great finesse and a lot of sex appeal that included swaying hips and a full pout, managed to extricate Mike from the rest of the guys.

Impressive, Amy thought.

And when Roper strode over and cornered her, she hoped she had the nerve to act as boldly as Hannah had. What a difference a week made. Now Roper glanced at Amy with a devilish grin, all evidence of his anger at being tricked gone. So when he turned his sex appeal her way, it wasn’t hard to believe in herself and her ability to act on her feelings.

Because Amy was finished fighting the attraction between them.


ROPER STUDIED AMY, HER tight jeans and sexy loose-fitting top, and realized she fit right in here. The woman who’d been uncomfortable earlier in her one-piece bathing suit was gone. In her place was the siren who called to him day and night, in his dreams and when they were wide-awake. Like now.

She shoved her hands into her pants pockets. “So have you calmed down?” she asked.

As if he hadn’t had a reason to be upset with her, he thought wryly. He wasn’t fooled by her attempt to put the onus on him. But he didn’t mind it, either.

He leaned against the wall, just plain enjoying her. “You mean, have I forgiven you for dragging me up here against my will?” He was teasing. He just wasn’t sure whether or not she knew it yet.

She stepped closer until they were inches apart. Her scent, strawberry shampoo and pure woman, overtook his thoughts and all he could concentrate on was taking her in his arms and kissing her senseless—with no cell phone, Treo or family member interrupting them.

“I was looking out for you.” She met his gaze with those huge brown eyes that broke down his defenses.

Not that he had any left when it came to her. “I know that now.” He treated her to a slow, easy, genuine smile meant to relax her and put all conflict behind them for good.

She released a puff of air, her relief that he was no longer angry evident. “So what made you come around and finally understand?”

“You did.” A stray curl fell onto her forehead and he plucked it off with one hand, allowing himself the pleasure of smoothing his palm down her head in a gentle caress. “Deep in your heart, you aren’t a manipulative sneaky person. Some time up here alone, no one to bother me, a workout and a whirlpool, and I relaxed enough to remember that.”

“Wow. You’re complimenting me.” The corner of her lips turned up in a cheeky grin. “Not only have you forgiven me but you’re pretty mellow.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024