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Hot Stuff (Hot Zone 1)

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"Annabelle Jordan. Nice to meet you." Since the woman had a genuine smile, Annabelle decided she'd reach out. Not just because she was on a fishing expedition but because she was naturally drawn to her warmth. "I'm visiting a friend," Annabelle offered by way of information.

"First tell me what I can get for you, then tell me this fella's name," she said, petting a squirming Boris who was obviously dying to sample all the delicious aromas for himself. "And then, you can fill me in on who you're visiting."

Annabelle liked Joanne's outgoing personality immediately. "Light coffee, Grande, Boris and Brandon Vaughn. In that order."

Joanne shook her head, her brown eyes sparkling with laughter. "You do like things big and strong."

Annabelle wasn't touching that comment but she couldn't suppress a grin.

With a wink, Joanne turned and poured a large cup of coffee with a touch of regular milk, then slid the cup across the counter.

Annabelle took a minute to inhale the fresh aroma before taking a sip. "Mmm. You make a good Java."

"Thank you. So tell me how you know Vaughn."

"We go way back," Annabelle said, keeping her cover story in mind.

"Do tell." Joanne propped her head in her hands as she leaned across the counter. "Vaughn and I go way back, too. High school."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" Annabelle asked, too eager for information on the man.

"Yep, but don't remind my husband. The only way those men can coexist in this town is to ignore the past."

Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Men and their egos. I understand only too well," she said thinking of her many clients ruled by their pride and nothing else. She sensed there might be more to Vaughn, but without proof, she was afraid she was running on pure hope. "Prom King and Queen?" she asked only half joking.

"Naah. We didn't last until June. A short fling and Vaughn was ready to move on. Good thing for me since I hooked up with Teddy. He's my husband.” Joanne's voice melted with warmth at the mention of his name.

Envy for the relationship she'd never have swelled in Annabelle's chest. Joanne obviously didn't hold any grudges or have any long unrequited feelings for Vaughn.

"Vaughn's not exactly the relationship type, is he?"

Joanne shook her head. "Since high school he's stuck to the same M.O. with women. Love ‘em and leave 'em. It's sad for him since he's such a great guy and doesn't know what he's missing. Instead he puts all his free time into either the lodge or the high school kids he volunteers with."

Annabelle's PR brain immediately picked up on information that would help her use his reputation to further the lodge's image. "I'd love to hear more."

"Vaughn really gives of himself to the kids in this town."

So that altruistic streak went deeper than Annabelle had originally thought. Inside she warmed at the possibility that Vaughn was really more than pure ego. "He's so stubbornly silent, I know practically nothing about his life," she told Joanne, in a not so subtle attempt to pump the other woman for information.

Joanne shot her a sympathetic glance. "I hear you.

I don't think even Nick knows what goes on in Vaughn's head and he's his best friend."

"Speaking of Nick, I was wondering about his relationship with Vaughn. They seem close."

"As brothers," Joanne said, nodding. "They watch each other's back. On the field in high school and in every other way you can imagine now."

"No jealousy?"

Joanne burst out laughing. "Aside from basic male one-upmanship, no way. You see, Nick's house was Vaughn's escape from parental pressure growing up. Nick's folks were like surrogate parents for Vaughn. Everyone in town knows Vaughn's mom and dad are elitist snobs."

"And Nick never cared that Vaughn's career was just that much bigger than his?" she asked.

"Not that he lets on." Joanne swiped the counter with a damp rag. "Look, it's fact that Vaughn's just pure magic, a legend in his own right. Nick's come to terms with it. It's not like he hasn't had his own great career and all."

Annabelle digested the information and knew Joanne spoke from the heart or at least told it the way she saw it. Still Annabelle wondered if Nick had truly made peace with coming in second to Vaughn in all things, or if he nurtured a grudge deep inside.

"That's good to know," she said to Joanne, not divulging her doubts.

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