Hot Stuff (Hot Zone 1) - Page 79

"Exactly. With Theodore I have respectability, a solid home, and the love of a good man. Everything I was denied growing up."

Annabelle noticed she didn't mention a loving family or a wonderful son but she refrained from commenting.

"Then Brandon was born and he was the most wonderful child." Love sparkled in her eyes at the memory.

"Until he started school?" Annabelle guessed.

Estelle blushed and at least had the grace to look ashamed. "I didn't know anything about dyslexia or learning disabilities. The teachers said he was antsy, that he didn't pay attention. As he got older, his grades were poor."

"And he was a disappointment to his father." Annabelle pushed aside her cup. The sweet drink would only make her feel sicker.

Estelle inclined her head. "Theodore never understood Brandon. He was an academic while his son was an athlete. The two never mixed."

"Did Theodore even try? Did you try to find a common bond between father and son?"

She shook her head. "I'd carved out my path a long time before. I was the supportive wife. I guess I let being a mother come second and I failed at it." Her voice dropped an octave, her ever-present pride nowhere to be found.

On impulse, Annabelle reached out and took the woman's hand. "Look, it's not my place to judge the past. But you seem to care now. Maybe it's not too late to take steps to repair your relationship."

Heaven knew, Vaughn would benefit if his mother took even baby steps toward a normal family life and offered some sort of acceptance from at least one of his parents. Not that Annabelle expected him to welcome any overtur

e immediately, but anything good in life took time.

"Every time I try he closes me out."

"I’m going out on a limb here, but did you ever think of accepting who he is and what he wants out of life?"

Estelle leaned back in her seat, silently thinking for a moment, and then sighed. "You're a wise woman and I hope my son realizes how lucky he is."

Annabelle murmured a thanks and opted not to touch the statement. Her problems with Vaughn weren't anything a conversation could solve.

As Estelle rose to leave, Annabelle popped the top off the drink and let Boris lick the frothy top. As she was getting ready to leave, she caught sight of the construction crew from the lodge coming in for their coffee, Roy at the head of the pack.

"He wasn't at the party," Annabelle realized aloud.

"Excuse me?" Estelle turned.

"Oh. Nothing important. I just realized that Roy wasn't at my firm's party in New York City." She explained to Estelle why she'd invited Vaughn's work force and the woman seemed impressed with her way of thinking.

"Would you like to walk out with me?" Estelle asked.

Annabelle shook her head. "I think I'll let Boris finish the drink while I talk to Joanne for a bit."

"Well I'm so glad we had this opportunity to chat. And I appreciate your honesty, young lady."

Estelle walked off, leaving Annabelle alone.

She patted Boris on the head. "Will wonders never cease?" she asked aloud. She'd never thought Estelle would come around and she prayed Vaughn could find it in his heart to do the same.

Not in the mood to talk to Roy, Annabelle started for the door but he called out her name, giving her no choice but to acknowledge him.

"Hi, Roy." She waved and kept walking.

"Don't go. At least let me buy you a drink for the road. The boss would never forgive me if I wasn't nice to his lady. Besides it's hot out there and something cold will wet your whistle."

Annabelle had no desire to have a drink or anything else with Roy and since the rest of the men had been served and since left, she wasn't about to hang around with just him.

She shook her head. "No, thanks, I just finished an iced coffee."

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024