Hot Item (Hot Zone 3) - Page 46

Lisa sighed. “Or else I’m going to have to sue for full custody.”

“The hell you will!” Riley rose quickly, knocking over his chair in the process.

The other customers in the small restaurant stared openmouthed, but he didn’t care. “You will not take my daughter from me.”

Ted tossed his napkin on the table and stood. “That isn’t going to happen. Lisa spoke without thinking. Nobody’s going to do anything rash. We…” He gestured to the three of them. “We are going to find a way to co-parent through the rocky adolescent years. And we’re going to do it like a family. Elizabeth’s family.”

Riley met Lisa’s gaze and nodded in agreement. For the first time, he actually agreed with the stuffed-shirt accountant. He’d better, if he didn’t want to find himself in court fighting for custody of the person he loved most.


SOPHIE RUBBED her eyes, exhaustion nearly overwhelming her. Although the tech guys had gotten the computer system up and running within twenty-four hours of the crash, the damage had been done. Despite the firewall, a nasty virus had infected the system via e-mail and Athletes Only’s form contract, one carefully negotiated and containing a confidentiality clause, had been distributed to everyone in the main computer’s database of e-mails. A.O.’s contract was no longer confidential and a week after the story about Spencer’s sexual orientation had broken, everyone had something else on their minds.

A knock sounded and she glanced at her office door. “Come in.”

Her sister Annabelle strode in and shut the door behind her. “How long were you going to wait before calling in reinforcements?”

“Where’s my nephew?” Sophie asked, ignoring work for the most important thing: family.

“He’s home with his grandparents. It’s way past time I came back to work. As much as I love him, I’m losing my mind,” Annabelle said.

Sophie rose, came around the desk and pulled her sister into a huge hug, then stepped back to check out the changes since she’d seen her last. Her always curvy sibling was even more so post-pregnancy. “Motherhood agrees with you. You look gorgeous. And I am so glad you’re here.”

“Believe me, I’m thrilled to be here. Now fill me in on the computer crash.” Annabelle pulled up a chair and settled in. “I thought our system was secure.”

Sophie seated herself on the corner of her desk. “Apparently nothing’s foolproof. This was a form of the Klez virus that comes in an e-mail attachment. Once a computer is infected, the virus automatically sends out copies of itself when the machine is connected to the Internet. And it’s usually without the user’s knowledge.”

“Somebody’s been researching again,” Annabelle said, teasing Sophie.

She shrugged. “How else could I understand what’s going on around here?”

“And try to control it?” Annabelle squeezed Sophie’s shoulder.

“It’s not like anything else around here is falling into place,” she muttered.

“We’ll fix things. How close is Spencer to signing Cashman?”

Sophie rolled her eyes upward. “Your guess is as

good as mine. His father has this good-old-boy Southern attitude. He expects Spencer to take him at his word that he’s a client of Athletes Only. He says he operates on trust and Spencer should, too.”

“A little Jerry Maguire thing going on?” Annabelle asked.

“That’s what has Spence nervous. Add the computer crash, plus Cambias sniffing around courting Cindy—”

Annabelle’s eyes opened wide. “He’s what?”

Sophie shook her head. “There’s no other word for it. He sends her flowers, shows up to take her to lunch, that kind of thing.”

“Do you think he’s really interested in her?”

“I hope so, because she’s falling hard and fast. He’d better not want access to anything business related,” Sophie muttered.

Without warning, Frannie came storming through the door. “You have to see this. Come to the conference room quick.”

Sophie shot Annabelle a worried glance and together they followed Frannie out the door, down the long hall and into the conference room, where they had a fifty-inch LCD screen. To her surprise, there was a clip of Tom Arnold, special correspondent for Fox’s irreverent Best Damn Sports Show Period, talking to Uncle Yank at an airport.

“Where is that?” Annabelle asked.

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024