Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 4

“I like your sense of humor, son.”

Behind the judge’s back, Emma caught Logan’s attention with a wave. She rolled her eyes and they shared a silent laugh at the judge’s single-mindedness.

“Glad you’re amused,” Logan muttered.

“Yes, but you know as well as I do that behind every event there is a purpose,” the older man said. “The fact that you showed up for this is telling.” He adjusted the lapels of his jacket.

Logan waited a beat before walking around and placing an arm around his grandmother’s shoulder. “The only thing my appearance should tell you is I wouldn’t miss one of Emma’s extravaganzas. Beyond that, I have no purpose or hidden agenda.”

He gave the older woman a loving squeeze. Her frailty stunned him for a moment before he reassured himself. Behind the aging body lay an agile mind and a generous spirit.

“I promised him a good time, something you’ve never learned how to have.” An irreverent gleam sparkled in the older woman’s gaze.

The judge shot his mother a warning look then faced Logan once more. “We need to talk.”

Logan studied his father. With his dark double-breasted suit and air of authority, Judge Montgomery appeared every inch the man in control of his domain. Too bad for him Logan no longer lived within that realm, nor could he be manipulated. “There’s nothing to discuss.”

The judge shook his head. “I want what’s best for you, son, and that means putting you in public office.”

“Placing me in office is what’s best for you. You want me to carry on the political tradition. I want to live my own life.”

“You’re young.” He clapped Logan on the shoulder. “You’ll come around.”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “You’re probably right. After all, I bought my house even after you put a down payment on a penthouse apartment in Boston. I took the P.D.’s job even after you pulled strings at Fitch and Fitzwater, the leading firm downtown.” He shrugged. “I suppose if you hold your breath long enough, I might come around after all.”

Edgar narrowed his eyes. “This is your influence,” the judge said to his mother.

“If so, I’m proud of him. And you should be, too,” Emma said. “Shame on you, Edgar. I raised you better than this.”

“Logan, see to it your grandmother gets some rest. She’s cranky. We’ll talk more later.” He issued his commands, and without awaiting a response, he turned and strode toward his guests.

“He’s determined,” Emma said.

“I’m more so.” But Logan was also tired of the battle. A part of him wished he didn’t have to fight his father for every step he took in his own life.

“Still think you don’t need my help?” Emma asked.

“I love you for your concern, but I can handle the judge alone.”

“But her kind of help would be so much more fun,” his grandmother said, her gaze shifting from his.

Logan followed her glance at the woman standing on a chair, adjusting a speaker, and he had to agree. Still, no matter how tempting, he wouldn’t use an innocent woman as a pawn in his family’s game.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t pursue this attraction and get to know her for his own reasons. As Emma had probably predicted, she fascinated him in a way few women did, and he wanted to know why. He placed the champagne glass down on a passing server’s tray.

“I’m here if you need backup,” Emma said.

He kissed the older woman’s weathered cheek. “I’m sure I can handle it,” he said wryly. He glanced across the lawn to where Catherine had settled back into bartender mode.

She handled the bottles and glasses with ease. Logan grinned at the sight. One of the cocktail servers paused and whispered something in her ear. Catherine bolted from behind the bar and headed toward the house. Without her presence, the bar loomed as empty and boring as the party had minutes earlier.

Logan sighed, seeing opportunity vanish at least for the moment.

“She’s got the goodies,” Emma said. “She’ll be back.”

“I believe drinks or liquor are the politically correct terms these days.” He couldn’t help but needle his grandmother.

His gaze followed Catherine’s retreating form. The well-shaped bottom and trim waist were a sight to behold before she disappeared inside the open French doors.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024