Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 14

It didn’t surprise her that he’d read her mind.

“Gran’s probably upstairs hiding,” he said.

While he turned to thank their rescuers—the cleaning crew, as she had predicted—she pulled herself together. By the time he’d returned to her, she was composed again. Until she caught a glimpse of the makeup stain on the once-white collar of his dress shirt.

She cleared her throat. “Well.”

He grinned. “Well.”

“Goodbye.” Feeling ridiculous, she held out her hand.

His warm fingers wrapped around hers. “Not so fast, Cat.” Her heart tripped at the shortened name. “You’re forgetting something,” he said.

“Such as?”

“You owe me a drink, and I’d have sworn you were a woman of your word.”

Bantering and sparring. Now she was back on familiar ground. Her tension eased. “You didn’t get us out of there,” she reminded him.

“And I didn’t have to. I said I’d give that door a shot and I did.” He rubbed his shoulder as a reminder and a blatant attempt to induce guilt.

He was right. Semantics, as he’d called them earlier, had indeed tripped her up. She owed him one drink, but thank the good Lord, it wouldn’t be now. At least she’d have a chance to regroup and firmly remind herself that whatever was going on between them was just a fluke.

She glanced down at her work uniform. “I’d rather not go anywhere dressed like this.”

“You look good to me.” Warm eyes met hers and he extended his hand. “Come with me. You can trust me, Cat.”

She stared into those seductive brown eyes. Trust him? She nearly laughed aloud. Hadn’t her father said the same thing to her mother the night before he’d walked out for good? If Catherine agreed, would she end up seduced and abandoned the next day? And why was a tiny voice in her head shouting this man was worth the risk?

What was it about good-looking men that made them think they could have the world at their feet with raw sex appeal alone? She eyed him warily. “I can’t go anywhere with you. The company van is parked outside—I can’t leave it here.”

“Bet you it’s not. Double or nothing. If I’m wrong, you’re free to go. If I’m right, it’s drinks and dinner.”

She had him this time. “That’s a safe enough bet.” She patted the outside pockets of her black skirt, then dipped her hand inside. She dangled the van’s keys in midair. Five more minutes in his company then she’d be on her way home.

Later, she’d deal with the lingering disappointment and sexual humming that still teased her senses. Later, she’d ponder the unfairness of fate throwing a perfect man into her less-than-perfect life.

Later. When she was alone.

“Truck or no truck. Time to find out.” Logan reached out. He made a grab for the keys but captured her hand instead.

His fingers wrapped around hers. Warm and trusting. The words came to her in a rush. She shook her head. Sexual awareness had to be short-circuiting her brain. Why else would a woman who’d promised herself she wouldn’t fall into a man’s trap be thinking warm and fuzzy thoughts about someone so far out of reach?

She followed him through the house and finally outside. The rain, which had held off for the duration of the party, had released itself at last. Logan wrapped his arm securely around her back as he led her toward the back of the house where the cars were parked. She resented his easy manner and the bond he’d managed to cement with her in so short a time. Because truck or no truck, a man from Logan Montgomery’s world wouldn’t want any more from Catherine Luck than a fast tumble and a quick goodbye.

* * *

Logan turned up the heat in the Jeep. Catherine sat in the seat beside him, her slicker wrapped tightly around her. She stared out the window into the night. The rain had picked up a furious pace, splattering the windshield so hard and fast even the wipers couldn’t keep up. Logan was forced to squint to see beyond the steadily falling sheets.

Silence still reigned beside him. He glanced to his right. “Being mad isn’t going to help.”

“I’m not mad. I’m furious.”


“Your grandmother, to start. My manager, to finish.”

“You heard the staff. Emma assured them you’d taken a tour of the house and she’d promised you a ride home, which I’m providing… just as she’d planned,” he muttered under his breath.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024