Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 16

“Downtown Boston.”

He groaned. “That’s nearly an hour from here.”

“That’s why I’d planned on staying at my sister’s tonight.”

The car ahead of them made a sudden stop and he swerved to avoid hitting the vehicle. The Jeep hydroplaned across the slick roads, nearly sending them into a skid. She gripped the dashboard with both hands. He swore under his breath, then maneuvered them back with more skill than she would have possessed. “You okay?” he asked.

“Fine.” She let out a shaky breath. No way they’d make it as far as her sister’s house—a good half hour from here, Catherine thought. Not in this weather.

She bit the inside of her cheek. Why was fate conspiring to keep her with a man who was so obviously wrong for her? Though he’d breached her reserve, she had lived long enough to understand there were still social classes that couldn’t be crossed into.

“My place is ten minutes from here. How far is your sister’s?” Logan asked.

“Too far,” she muttered.

He raised an eyebrow while keeping his gaze on the road. “My place it is.”

Catherine remained silent. There wasn’t much to say. She’d take a look at his expensive house and valuable accessories and know for certain they had nothing in common besides lust. He’d realize the same thing.

“Where are we headed, exactly?” she asked.

“A small cottage on the beach. Another couple of minutes tops.”

“Small cottage?” She laughed aloud. “I can’t wait to see it.” Catherine eased back in her seat, anticipation warring with apprehension. As much as she couldn’t help but look forward to the few more hours they’d share, she knew one glimpse at his small cottage would cement the truth in her mind. They didn’t stand a chance.

They made the rest of the trip in silence. Catherine didn’t want to risk another near-accident by distracting Logan, and he seemed engrossed in his driving. He pulled onto a private driveway that ran parallel to the beach. At the far end stood a true beachfront home.

A Cape-styled cottage, it boasted typical New England charm with a single peak and ample windows but was smaller than Catherine had imagined. Much smaller, especially when compared with the Montgomery Estate.

He slowed the car to a stop and shut the ignition. Without the sound of the engine, the rain pelted loud and clear against the windshield.

“It’s humble but it’s home.”

A traditional Cape home right on the ocean, it was cozy and comforting, tempting and alluring. Like the man himself. She barely knew him, but she sensed she was in deep. She let out a long breath. Catherine Ann, you are probably in big trouble.

“Like it?” he asked.

“It’s incredible,” she murmured.

Logan glanced up toward the black sky and torrential sheets of rain. “I hope you mean it…” His potent gaze strayed to hers. “Because if the rain keeps up at this pace, we could be stranded. Beach roads flood pretty quickly around here.”

“I could think of worse things,” she said, her voice unusually thick. She bit down on her lower lip. Temptation to turn the radio back on warred with the desire to close off the outside world for as long as she could. Even if she did hear the weather report again, nothing would change whether they’d be stranded together or not.

Fate had just handed over her heart’s secret desire. A night alone with Logan Montgomery—if she was brave enough to take it. She shut her eyes and listened to the heavy sound of the rain beating against the windshield in cadence to the rapid pounding of her heart. In time to the building crescendo of need inside her.

A crash of thunder startled her, and she jumped in her seat. From their parked position far from the house, Catherine had a good view of the ocean and the waves crashing fast and furious against the shore. Having grown up in the city and with little time for trips to the beach, the notion of the undertow had always both frightened and intrigued her.

The angry waves rolled forward onto the sand, then retreated without warning. Sort of like the ebb and flow of desire between a man and a woman, she thought, and a violent tremor shook her body.

He placed a warm hand on her shoulder. “You okay?” he asked.

He obviously meant to reassure, but his touch had the opposite effect and sent her senses soaring. She needed to get out of this car and make a grab for sanity. “Can you pull a little closer?” she asked.

“I wish.” He slung one arm over the back of her seat. “Here, we’re on paved road. Beyond us is mud.”

She followed his gaze and stared out the window. Although visibility was awful, she realized he was right. “Okay. I’m a good sport. They say rainwater’s good for the skin and fresh air is even better for the soul. And besides, I’m wearing sneakers.”

He grinned. “That’s the spirit. I’d offer to race you, but the terrain can get pretty slippery when wet.” He got out of the car and came around her side to help her out. She held onto his hand. “Ready?” he asked.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024