Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 30

A soft smile played on her lips. “Take it any way you want,” she said on a soft sigh. Her hips jerked upward, whether on purpose or an involuntary response to pure desire, Logan didn’t know. Nor did he care.

He just knew the time was right. He transferred his attention from her breasts to the warm, place between her legs. He wasn’t surprised to find her wet with desire, hot with the same aching need that burned inside of him. It was the same need that had flared into an inferno within him the second he’d laid eyes on the beautiful bartender. Logan’s gut told him he wouldn’t be satisfied with just one night. Even if his body were to be sated for the moment, he knew he would crave more of her.

He separated them long enough to reach for his jeans and the condom he’d shoved into the pocket earlier, just in case. In case he was lucky enough to have one time with this one woman.

Unable to wait another second, he thrust into her slick heat, hard and demanding, letting her know exactly what she did to him.

* * *

Filled and fulfilled. Catherine wondered if she’d ever understood the distinction before. Logan grasped her hands and intertwined their fingers together above her head. The uniting motion ground their bodies together until they weren’t just joined, they were one. Thoughts like that could only lead to pain and disaster, yet with Logan staring into her eyes, she couldn’t think negative thoughts.

She couldn’t think at all. His lips covered hers in a kiss as hot and promising as the heat englufing their bodies. Between them, they began a grinding, rocking motion that was sweeter than it was fast, more reverent than it was frenzied. If Catherine had made love before, she couldn’t recall. Because anything less than this was sex, and this was so much more.

He released her hands and braced his on either side of her shoulders. “Look at me.”

She did and saw a raw need so deep, so exposed, she was swept away by it. Words failed her but emotion didn’t. He’d drawn her in, deep and fast.

With every gliding motion, he came fuller and deeper inside her. The tip of him was smooth, but with every thrust, she felt the rougher ridges and the friction was almost unbearable.

Her eyelids fluttered shut. He kissed each until they opened again and then he began a rhythm unlike anything she’d experienced before. Sleek and measured one minute, he created an agony so prolonged and exquisite she wanted to cry out for harder, faster, pounding thrusts. But when he answered her silent plea, her body built toward completion too fast and she missed the drawn-out intimacy they’d just shared.

Just when she was about to topple over the precipice, he slowed the pace once more until her body begged for completion. But Logan was in control and he wasn’t giving in. Wasn’t letting it happen fast and easy. Wasn’t letting this be an experience she’d put behind her anytime soon.

The fast and furious pace slowed. “Open your eyes.”

She hadn’t realized she’d closed them. “What do you want from me?” she asked him.

“Everything.” And then he thrust so deep she was sure they’d been joined for eternity. He moved inside her and she raised her hips, allowing him even fuller and deeper access, heightening her pleasure.

Catherine couldn’t look away from his deep, compelling gaze. No doubt that was his intent, and the crescendo came without warning, a tidal wave beyond her control.

* * *

The aftershocks still rippled through Logan’s system. He doubted he’d ever breathe normally again. He rolled to his side and glanced at Cat, who looked as sated as he was. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her green eyes were still heavy-lidded, and her breathing still sounded rapid and shallow.

He stretched his arms overhead. Huge strategic mistake, he discovered immediately. Catherine rolled onto her back, away from physical contact. That cleared his mind at once.

If she needed distance, he respected that. But not until she understood a few things. He’d never lost himself with someone before and he’d have bet she felt the same. He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arm back around her.

She didn’t pull away but instead surprised him by curling into him. “That was incredible,” he whispered in her ear.

“Mind-blowing,” she agreed.

He hoped she was referring to the emotion involved as much as the act itself. He waited a beat but she didn’t speak. Apparently, she needed space. Her next words confirmed it.

“It’s getting cold in here, don’t you think?”

“I’m pretty warm myself.” He nuzzled the side of her neck.

Her laugh sounded more relaxed. “You know what I mean.”

He did. Once she drew his attention to it, the crackle of the fireplace called to him. “Tell you what. Let me put out the fire and we can move to the bedroom.”

He held his breath. After the intimacy they’d shared, now wasn’t the time for her to be claiming the couch for the night.

She nodded. “Sounds good.”

Giving her some distance and privacy, Logan rose first and grabbed for his jeans before kneeling by the fire. It wasn’t easy, knowing she was undressed behind him, but somehow, he managed. He sensed she needed a combination of space and reassurance. Just one of the many things he liked about Catherine was her honest responses.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024