Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 42

“I can see you as the mayor’s unique wife, yes. I can also see you adapting. But as I recall, Logan denied the rumors. Instead, he’s pursuing you. He’s obviously not concerned about these things. Why are you? The past is behind us. You’re more than worthy of him… unless you’re looking for an excuse to steer clear,” Kayla guessed with dead-on accuracy.

“Would you please have this baby already so you’ll have something else to worry about besides me?” Catherine muttered.

“I could have ten kids and I’d still worry about you.”

“I know.” Tears filled her eyes. Without Kayla, she’d have no one.

She told herself she wasn’t foolish enough to believe Logan was in it for the long haul. She glanced at his thoughtful, sentimental gifts. No matter how much her heart disagreed.

Chapter Nine

Catherine didn’t have to wonder what she wanted from Logan. He’d made certain of that.

She wanted him.

Every gift, with every note, had led her to that conclusion. When all her thoughts were consumed with him, what else could she possibly desire? She shook the globe and watched the snow shimmer and fall on the summertime scene.

And after listening to the low strains of jazz all afternoon, her heart throbbed in time to its beat, and her body yearned for his touch. She was beginning to believe he was right and that they had a chance.

He hadn’t called. No doubt that, too, was calculated to heighten her sense of anticipation. It worked. By the time the doorbell rang, Catherine didn’t care about backgrounds, class, money… or anything except being with him again. Because not only had he seduced her, but he’d also chipped away at the wall she’d erected to keep him at arm’s length. He’d reached her heart—from a distance, at that. Heaven help her now that he was here.

Kane beat her to the door. His and Logan’s greetings bought her time to calm her raging nerves. By the time she made her way downstairs, the two men were deep in conversation. They’d probably discovered they had the law in common, even if Logan did work to spring the men Kane put behind bars. Good thing they worked in separate jurisdictions, Catherine thought wryly.

She caught sight of him the second her feet hit the floor of the small entryway. She took in his dark denim jeans, an olive green shirt pulled taut over his broad shoulders, day-old razor stubble, and nearly lost it right then. His penetrating gaze met hers, deep and knowing. He looked at her as if he could read minds, as if he knew her most secret desire.

He held her gaze and winked. Catherine drew a deep, shuddering breath. Because she saw it in his eyes. His feelings mirrored her own.

Although he continued to talk to Kane, Logan held one hand out toward her. No sooner had she come within touching distance than he snagged her hand and linked their arms together, drawing her close. His skin was warm, his touch possessive and welcoming. She thought she’d calmed the flutters in her stomach, but they returned full force.

She’d never had a father to greet her dates and she felt twice as ridiculous now at the thought of making small talk with Logan and Kane. She cleared her throat. “So. I see you two have met.”

Kane nodded. Logan opened his mouth to speak.

“But we haven’t.” Kayla’s voice sounded from the top of the stairs and cut him off.

“You’re supposed to be in bed,” Kane growled, but Catherine heard the affection laced with concern in his tone.

“And I suppose one of you was going to bring Mr. Montgomery up to meet me?” Kayla asked, knowing neither Catherine nor Kane would have done any such thing.

“It’s Logan. And it’s nice to meet you, Kayla.” Logan grinned. He couldn’t mistake the resemblance between the sisters despite Kayla’s obviously fuller and very pregnant form.

“And now you can get back in bed,” Kane ordered. He turned to Logan. “Doctor’s orders,” he explained.

“No, your orders. You know darn well he said it’s safe for the baby to come any day and I can switch to restricted activity.”

Kane held out his hand and Logan shook it. “Nice to meet you, Montgomery. I’m going to carry my wife back to bed.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Kayla called back.

Catherine’s laughter sounded in Logan’s ear, as sexy and arousing as he’d remembered. Obviously, she was used to this byplay. Logan wasn’t. Not once had he seen his parents so obviously happy together.

But he had that chance for himself. Thanks to Catherine, they had that chance—to see where this thing between them led.

Before Kane hit the top step, he called out, “Montgomery.”

Logan glanced up.

“Hurt my sister-in-law and you answer to me.” Seconds later, Kane had swept his very pregnant wife off her feet and into his arms. As they di

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
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