Simply Scandalous (Simply 2) - Page 63

A loud shriek interrupted them, and Catherine whirled around in time to see Kayla being carried off by Kane. “At least they’re having a good time,” she said.

“They’d have a good time anywhere they were together.” Logan nuzzled her cheek. “Like us.”

“Who’s got Ace?” Catherine asked, using Kane’s pet name for his son, Tim.

“I do.”

Catherine turned to see Grace standing beside them.

Logan’s sister had arrived last week and she’d been staying in Catherine’s apartment in the city. Both Catherine and Logan had wanted her to stay at the beach house, but she didn’t want to intrude, and the mansion had been out of the question. Catherine couldn’t help but notice her strained relationship with her parents along with the longing in Grace’s eyes. Like Logan, she desired more out of her family. She probably needed it more, too.

Catherine’s eyes narrowed. If she could convince Grace to stick around, she could work on the entire Montgomery family dynamic. She grinned. If she could bring Judge Edgar Montgomery around with Logan, Grace couldn’t be all that hard.

“What are you thinking?” Logan asked.

“How wonderful it is to have everyone together. And Grace, I was wondering if you’d consider moving back here.”

The graceful, willowy blonde shook her head while reshifting Kane and Kayla’s bundle in her arms. “I don’t think that would work. But don’t worry. I won’t be a stranger.”

“You’d better not, young lady.”

“Hi, Gran.” Logan held his arm out for Emma and gave her a loving squeeze as she kissed his cheek.

“Grace, you’re my final project. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to finagle these two together?” Emma asked. “Now, it’s your turn. I refuse to leave this earth without seeing you happily settled down.”

“You’re too healthy to go anywhere just yet,” Grace told her.

“You never know. Now Logan, just look how perfect she looks with the baby in her arms.”

Grace, who had been holding Ace with comfort and ease, shifted uncomfortably and the little guy let out a squeal of displeasure.

Logan laughed. “I’ll take him.”

His sister handed him over. “Stay out of my life, Gran.”

Catherine laughed. They’d been down this road before.

Emma shook her head. “I think a trip to New York City is in order, don’t you, Catherine? I haven’t been there in ages, and of course, my granddaughter couldn’t possibly turn me away.”

Grace stiffened, but like Logan, the love in her expression shone through despite her displeasure with Emma’s meddling ways. “My apartment is small, Gran.”

“Any cute neighbors?”

Logan laughed and grabbed for Catherine’s elbow, leading her away. “We’ve had our turn. Let Grace handle Emma now.”

“You’re bad, Logan.”

“But you love me just the same.”

She settled her lips over his for a deep, mind-drugging kiss. “You know I do.” The baby cooed in his arms and Catherine smiled. She’d have one of her own in less than nine months. Hers and Logan’s.

“And I love you.”

“Then let me go dance with your father.” She gestured to where Logan’s parents stood, stiffly overlooking the beach, his father in a suit, his mother, at least, in a comfortable sundress. And bare feet. Catherine laughed. Of all the things she hadn’t expected, his mother’s approval had been it. Cat actually enjoyed spending time with her, and considering she’d been instrumental in convincing the judge to accept Logan and Catherine or lose everything, Cat felt as if she owed her.

“Go ahead,” Logan said. “But I’ll be waiting for you.”

Just as each of them had been waiting for each other. All their lives.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024