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Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys 1)

Page 35

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“More,” she whispered.

He pulled down her underwear, then slicked his finger over the outer lips of her sex in a deliberate tease. He added a second finger as he touched her everywhere but where she needed friction the most.

“Kade, please.”

“Please what?” he asked, a determined glint in his eyes. “The words, Lexie, and I’ll give you everything you want and need.”

Who knew he had such a sadistic streak? she thought, the gnawing emptiness growing with every second he waited, torturing her with delayed gratification. His fingers continued to taunt her with deliberate strokes, back and forth, over and over, until her hips rose in time to his ministrations.

“Touch me,” she begged, her voice catching.

“Where?” he asked through a clenched jaw.

She didn’t do dirty talk, but if that’s what it would take for him to give her relief, she’d do it.

“And look at me when you ask.”

He wisped his finger over her clit, not hard enough to satisfy, just enough to leave her emptier than before.

She met and held his gaze. “Touch my sex.”


She was near to weeping now. “Touch my pussy. My clit. Make me come, Kade, please.” She begged and waited breathlessly for his touch.

He shoved her dress higher and pulled her panties partway down her legs. “We missed dinner,” he said before lowering his head and swiping at her clit with his warm, wet tongue. “And I’m starved.”

She moaned loudly, and he began devouring her in earnest. He lapped at her juices and took her out of her head, to a place where pleasure reigned and all she could focus on was the feel of his mouth against her sex. She ground her hips against him, the pleasure intense and growing, rising, quickly becoming an inferno ready to explode.

She reached down. Grabbed his hair. Pressed him harder against her sex, and suddenly her orgasm struck, her entire body swept under by its power. Waves pummeled her from all sides, inside and out, her hoarse cries echoing in the back of the enclosed car.

He gentled his touch, taking her down slowly, still licking her, this time gently, until she collapsed, spent, against the uncomfortable door.

He wiped his mouth against her thigh, then pressed a soft kiss to her skin before raising his head and meeting her gaze.

“Delicious,” he said, pulling her panties back up her legs.

Barely able to process what had just occurred, she watched in silence as he righted her dress, smoothing the front down over her legs.

“Good?” he asked.

Her lips parted, but no words came out, so she nodded.

He leaned over, pressing the button he’d touched before. “We can go home now,” he said to the driver.

“Very good, sir.”

Her mouth was dry, and she licked her lips, forcing herself to meet his gaze. Did she say thank you? Or it’s your turn later?

Before she could decide, he spoke her name. “Lexie?”


“In case you were wondering, it’s soundproof back here.”

Her cheeks flamed as the car sped toward his apartment building, where she was certain more pleasure—hers and his—was waiting.

Chapter Nine

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