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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

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“We were very impressed with your resume and would like to interview you,” the other woman said.

Maxie nearly dropped her phone. “That’s wonderful. I’m completely flexible,” she said.

“Well, we’re eager to fill this position, so how about tomorrow at eleven a.m.?”

“Perfect.” Her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

“Do you know where we’re located?”

“I do.” A quick glance at her notepad would give her all the information she needed.

“Then I look forward to meeting you.”

“Same here,” Maxie murmured.

After she disconnected the call, she let out a shriek of excitement and danced through the kitchen, her happiness tangible. She was ecstatic to hear back since she had not received a response to her email earlier. And something she hadn’t felt in too long.

The cookie timer went off, interrupting her dance, and she grabbed a potholder, pulling the tins out of the oven and setting them on the counter. She turned the temperature off just as she heard the sound of keys in the door.

“Something smells incredible,” Lucas said, his voice growing closer.

He entered the room, his big body filling up the kitchen despite its substantial size for a Manhattan apartment. She looked him over through lowered lashes. Though it was a workday, his wardrobe choice consisted of a pair of faded jeans and a black tee shirt with the Blink logo. He looked as delicious as her cookies, and she wanted to take a bite out of him.

Her thoughts stopped her in her tracks, and she felt her face flush. But his gaze was focused on the tin of treats, and he didn’t notice her heated cheeks or her traitorous hormones. He walked over, picked up one hot, melty cookie, and devoured it in one bite.

“Mmm,” he said, closing his eyes and swallowing with a satisfied groan.

Her girlie parts tingled. Yep, that’s how she chose to think of them. If she got any more specific, she’d be blushing more and in deeper trouble than she already was.

“Good?” she managed to ask.

“Delicious. You’re a woman of many talents,” he said, the compliment warming her.

“Thank you.”

A smear of chocolate sat on his lower lips. Unable and unwilling to stop herself, she stepped closer, reached out, and ran her finger over his mouth, transferring the chocolate from him to her.

She glanced at the gooey substance, hesitated a fraction of a second, and slid her finger into her mouth, licking off the remainder of the treat. Maybe it was her imagination, but she could swear she tasted Lucas on her tongue. She knew damn well she felt him low down in her sex. To hell with embarrassment, thanks to Lucas all she could do was feel.

His heavy-lidded gaze locked with hers. “Maxie,” he said on a groan.

Her breasts tingled at the low rumble in his voice. Like the other night, she was playing with fire. But unlike the other night, she was feeling stronger and more in control. Just the fact that she had a job interview emboldened her and gave her strength, more like the Maxie Sullivan she’d been before Keith manipulated and warped her mind.

“Lucas.” She whispered his name.

“Walk away,” he said, his body taut and vibrating with what she knew was the same desire shooting through her veins.

“I can’t.”

His gaze darkened. “Then run before we do something you’ll regret.”

He hadn’t said we’ll regret it. He was worried about her.

“Or?” She wasn’t sure where this bold Maxie was coming from, but she liked her. Had missed her.

“Or I’m going to pull you against me and kiss you. I’m going to taste that sexy mouth of yours, and while I’m doing it, you’re going to feel exactly how much I want you. Will you run again then?”

“Oh God.” He was laying it out for her, and she wanted everything he described. Craved it so much she thought she’d die if she deprived herself of the feel of his mouth devouring hers. The press of his hard, muscular body fitting to her curves. The thought alone had her heart racing.

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