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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

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“Shh.” He placed a finger over lips so soft, desire threaded through his veins. “I heard everything you said tonight and I respect it. I’ll play by your rules, but fuck, Maxie, I crave you. Your touch, your taste, your body.”

Her chocolate eyes darkened with a need that rivaled his. He wrapped a hand around her neck, pulling her close. “Say no.” Because that was the only thing that would stop him from taking her mouth with his.


The word released all the frustration tonight had caused and the pent-up desire he’d been holding back for too long, and he slammed his mouth down hard on hers. She moaned and parted her lips, letting him inside. He took full advantage, devouring the deep recesses of her mouth, savoring her taste.

She moaned and pressed her breasts against his chest, the feel of those luscious mounds nearly causing him to lose it completely. He slid his mouth back and forth over hers, nipping at her lower lip, causing her to shudder and dig her nails into his shoulders. His dick pulsed inside his jeans.

He reminded himself to take it slow, but his heart pounded, and need beat a rapid pulse inside his chest. He tugged

at the binding in her hair, and it spilled down, tumbling over his hands. He wanted to feel those strands on his bare chest and on his thighs as she took his cock into his mouth.

Slow, he reminded himself. Give her time to adjust to the idea of them. But nothing inside him allowed for slow. He continued to kiss her, as he turned and backed her against the bed. Her legs hit the mattress and she collapsed, taking him with her onto the bed.

She pulled at his shirt, sliding her hands along his sides and ribs. “Your skin is so hot,” she murmured. “So tight.”

He returned the favor, lifting her top and gliding his thumbs along her silken flesh. “And you’re so soft.” He pushed her shirt up and bared her stomach, pressing a kiss to her belly, sliding his tongue over her skin. She tasted a hint salty, and he continued a trail of damp kisses along her rib cage.

A loud banging noise sounded, and he jumped, ignoring it only to hear it again.

“Door,” he said with a groan and rolled to his side.

“Who could be here at this hour?” she asked, immediately fixing herself, smoothing her hair and adjusting her clothes.

“Good question,” he muttered, pissed at the interruption. “I’ll get it.”

He jumped up from the bed, adjusting his own clothes as he made his way to the door, cursing whomever had interrupted them.

* * *

Lucas looked through the peephole, uttering a curse when he saw his parents on the other side.

He glanced back toward the bedrooms, where Maxie was no doubt making sure she didn’t look well-kissed and almost-fucked. He could not believe his parents’ bad timing.

Or that they were here at all.

“Be right there,” he called out, buying himself a minute to prepare.

Lucas hadn’t told his parents that their daughter-in-law was living with him. He wouldn’t say his parents favored Keith, but they had put him on a pedestal, and they didn’t want him to fall from grace. Explaining Maxie’s presence here would involve detailing even more of Keith’s indiscretions and lapses in judgment.

And both parents were having a hard enough time accepting that their golden child had done anything wrong. Early on, Lucas had tried to broach the subject, explaining Keith’s drinking and womanizing. His mother had cried and his father had cut him off, refusing to discuss the matter. Denial was a good way of describing how his parents were coping. Unless Maxie had told them, they didn’t know about the embezzling or gambling, and he doubted she had.

Drawing a deep breath, Lucas straightened his shoulders and opened the door. “Mom, Dad. What brings you by?”

“Your father took me for dinner in the city. How could we not surprise our boy?” Justine Monroe said, pulling him into a hug.

His father, Bryce, nodded. “What can I say? She wanted it to be a surprise,” he said, obviously more aware that they’d just dropped in unexpectedly.

Lucas shut the door behind them and led them into the area between the entry and the family room.

His mother had had a painful, difficult time since Keith passed away, becoming more reclusive at home, so he was glad she’d been willing to take a trip from Long Island for dinner.

He still wished they’d have called first, so he and Maxie could have prepared for the visit and discussed how to explain things. His parents knew about Lucas’ old feelings for his brother’s wife, and as a result, he didn’t think they were going to take the news that she was living here well. At all.

“You look great, Mom.”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile.

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