Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2) - Page 25

She’d already eaten too much of her favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream and rose, walked to the kitchen, and threw out the container.

As she headed back to her room, she pondered her reasons for not wanting to get involved with Lucas. She’d recently recovered from a severe bout of postpartum depression, was living with him because she had no savings, and wanted to stand on her own. Bad timing, she’d thought the other day. But for years, Keith had dictated the timing. He’d lied and schemed to keep them apart.

Lucas was different. He’d apologized for pulling strings to get her a job interview, and he’d promised to respect her need for independence. So what was holding her back? For the first time in her adult life, she was answering only to herself. Why couldn’t she indulge in something she’d wanted for what seemed like forever?

She bit down on her lower lip and walked over to the drawer where she’d put her nightclothes and reached into the back, pulling out the black teddy she’d purchased almost right after she’d gotten pregnant. Sex was usually an unsatisfying quickie for her but obviously not for her husband. She hadn’t known she was pregnant when she’d bought the lingerie. She’d just wanted things to get better.

She’d purchased the nightie and hoped to put it on after Keith came home. But he’d walked into the house drunk, and she’d smelled perfume on his clothes. Needless to say, the lingerie still had tags on it. That had been the beginning of the end, the pregnancy a surprise but one she’d cherished.

She’d always wanted to be a mother… at least back then. Before she experienced the utter pain and devastation of loss. Now she just wanted to live her life and avoid hurt wherever possible.

She wanted to be happy. She deserved that after all she’d been through, and really, who was her being with Lucas hurting? She held up the sexy teddy and her heart beat harder inside her chest. Did she have the nerve to wear it and approach Lucas? Assuming he came home alone, his date just friendship as he’d claimed. One thing she knew for sure, she couldn’t go on torturing herself like this.

She headed for her bathroom, showered with her favorite strawberry-scented wash, shaved, and followed up with creamy lotion to moisturize her skin. She dried her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders.

Then she climbed into bed and waited for Lucas to come home.

* * *

Lucas was disappointed to find the lights out when he walked into the apartment. He’d been hoping Maxie would still be awake and watching television. Waiting for him? He wouldn’t be that presumptuous, but nothing wrong with wishful thinking.

He tossed his keys into the holder on his way to his room, pausing outside Maxie’s closed door. He stood, listening to the quiet in the apartment and the sound of his own breath, as he strained to hear any noises inside.

He tipped his head against the door, imagining her asleep in her bed, blonde hair tousled over the sheets, pale skin lit by the moonlight from the window.

Shit. He really had it bad.

Of course, he’d been wanting her his entire life.

He lifted his head and stepped back, about to go to his room, when her door opened, and his breath caught in his throat. She stood before him in a black teddy, her breasts full and plump over the lace trim, the V between them cut deep, revealing her enticing cleavage. His gaze traveled lower, his mouth watering at the sight of the see-through material molding to her waist and full hips.

“You’re home early,” she said, meeting his gaze.

“Those things bore me.”

“The company too?” she asked, obviously referring to Arielle.

He raised one shoulder. “We’d both done enough of the meet-and-greet. I couldn’t wait to get home.” His voice dropped an octave, his meaning clear. He hoped. He wanted to get back here. To her.

He let his stare roam over her gorgeous body silhouetted in the doorframe. “Where are your long-sleeve pajamas?” he asked.

“They weren’t suitable for my needs.” She stepped closer, her meaning clear.

His heart began to pound harder in his chest. Yes, she was coming on to him, but she was also taking a different stand than she had when she’d backed off a few weeks ago. He needed her to be sure.

Then again, she was greeting him in lace lingerie. Did he really need any more obvious indication than that?

He slid his finger beneath the thin strap holding up the garment and traced the indentation in her flesh. “So this is for me?”

She managed a breathy nod. “I’ve been waiting for you to get home.”

“Why the change of heart?” he asked.

She slid her tongue across her glistening lips. “I want you, Lucas. I always have. I decided it’s our time.”

He couldn’t argue with that logic. Instead he acted. He lifted her into his arms and headed for his bedroom, aware he was one step closer to his ultimate dream.

* * *

Tags: Carly Phillips Billionaire Bad Boys Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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