Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2) - Page 27

And she wanted Lucas to ease her growing ache. He finally slid a hand down her stomach until he cupped her sex against his hot palm. Red-hot desire flooded her along with a wave of arousal that had her body ready to explode. But the frustrating man was taking his time.

She swore there’d be payback when it was her turn, but in the meantime, he inflamed every one of her senses with his talented tongue, drawing lazy licks down her belly, teasing her across her bikini line and down to her clit. But he never touched her there. He aroused her by playing around, her flesh pulsing with unsated need.

Until finally he slipped one long finger inside her, and she saw stars, her body beginning to peak.

“You’re going to come for me,” he said before curving his finger in just the right way, rubbing against her inner walls until she began to do just that.

Her body was primed, sensitive, and deprived of intimate contact for too long. She immediately began to shake, her entire being coming apart in a glorious explosion that consumed her. She lost track of time and place, the sensations and warmth shooting through her over and over.

He stayed with her, pumping his finger in and out, until she collapsed against the bed, her body limp and sated. The sound of a crinkling condom wrapper penetrated the fogginess in her brain. At just the thought of him sliding into her, their bodies connecting, she grew wet and ready once more.

He held on to his thick cock and eased the condom over his straining erection with remarkable ease. Watching him ready himself to enter her was incredibly arousing, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him, her body pulsing, damp and eager.

“I want you, Maxie. And I want you to feel every inch of me as I take you,” he said as he aligned the head of his cock with her opening.

She wasn’t used to so much talking during sex, and being with Lucas had her soaring and sublimely happy. From how he looked at her, like he wanted to devour her whole, to how his words rumbled out of him, deep and aroused, she felt wanted and special.

And she wanted him to feel the same way. For whatever this was, however long it lasted, he deserved to know he’d already given her more than she’d ever had before.

“Lucas,” she murmured, and he halted before entering her.

“Are you okay, baby?”

“So good. That’s what I wanted to tell you.”

A slow grin lifted his lips. “Glad to hear it. We’re okay then?”

He was asking permission, and her heart melted because she knew he’d do whatever she wanted.

“I want you, Lucas. And everything you make me feel.”

He replied with a groan and thrust deep inside her body, joining them together for the first time. He stilled, giving her time to adjust to his size, and soon she felt him pulsing inside her, desire building.

“God, you feel good. So tight and wet around me.”

She pulled her knees up, drawing him in deeper, and he began to move, driving into her harder with each thrust, hitting just the right spot. She caught his rhythm, and they moved in sync, a dance of bodies that started slow and quickly grew faster.

Her body tingled, and waves of pleasure washed over her with each successive plunge home until everything inside and out detonated, her orgasm an explosion of bright lights and sensation that filled her, body, heart, and soul.

“Yes, Maxie, baby.” He came seconds later, pulsing inside her, causing another ripple of an orgasm to shatter her once more.

It wasn’t enough for him to devastate her with the best sex ever, but he had to then get up, walk to the bathroom, clean up, and return with a warm washcloth for her. Next thing she knew, he pulled her into his arms, tucked her head beneath his chin, and fell asleep.

* * *

Maxie woke up disoriented. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was. Not just in Lucas’ apartment but in his bed. Alone. She drew a deep breath and calmed her rapidly beating heart.

It was one night, she reassured herself. She could handle it. She’d prepared herself ahead of time, gotten exactly what she wanted. And more, a little voice reminded her. The delicious soreness between her legs agreed.

She grabbed her nightie, pulled on a tee shirt he’d left on the end of the bed, and tiptoed to her own room. She took a shower and dresse

d, leaving her hair wet and pulled on top of her head. A pair of sweats, a tee shirt, and a casual attitude, and she was ready to walk out of her room.

She followed the smell of breakfast food to the kitchen and found Lucas. He stood by the stove wearing a pair of black track pants, a white untucked tee shirt, and bare feet, cooking French toast, something she remembered his mother making when they were growing up.

“Smells good,” she murmured.

He turned and grinned. “I picked up a few tips.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Billionaire Bad Boys Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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