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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

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“I’ll go with you,” he said and caught her pointed look. “If you want me to,” he reluctantly added. Because he was trying to let her handle things on her own.

“Thanks but it’s not a big deal. I’ll go, take a look around, and see if I can identify anything that’s been taken. No big deal.”

“If that’s what you want.” It wasn’t what he preferred to do. He was learning that it wasn’t in his nature to take a step back.

But if he wanted to prove to her he was different from his brother and worthy of her trust, he had to let her handle things on her own.

* * *

Maxie’s morning was rushed from the minute she’d woken up late courtesy of a night debating how to approach Lucas this time. She didn’t want to appear wishy-washy, but that’s exactly what she’d done. Come on to him, pull back out of fear. She knew she had to make the first move again. And this time be ready to stick out the consequences.

She’d tossed and turned again last night, unsure of whether or not to take that next step. And then this morning, he’d backed off and let her handle her problems with the burglary at the storage unit on her own. That’s when she’d asked herself, what more did she need him to prove to her? He clearly understood the parameters she’d set up for them. He understood her. She’d just have to make certain they were on the same page.

Unfortunately, she had no time to talk to him about it today. She was slammed at the office with filings and documents that the attorneys needed prepared, and she worked straight through to a late lunch without a break.

Instead of eating, she took a cab to the storage unit and did a walk-through with one of their employees, but other than things knocked over and broken, she didn’t see anything noticeably missing. She filled out a claim form to the best of her ability in the rushed time she had and headed back to work.

It wasn’t until around four p.m. when she finally had a chance to catch her breath, grab a quick bite, and think. And when she did, she knew what she had to do.

* * *

Lucas and his partners had a late-afternoon meeting with one of the tech guys. They’d gathered in Lucas’ office, and the man was droning on for way too long about a new idea for an algorithm that had potential. Lucas already understood the point. He didn’t need to sit here any longer.

He yawned and shot Kade an annoyed look. The other man nodded. He glanced at Derek, who did the same.

“Wrap it up, Mark. We’ll discuss your suggestions and figure out where to go from here,” Lucas said.

The other man, one of their young, brilliant talents, summed up his pitch and left the room.

“Thank God,” Lucas muttered. He wanted nothing more than to head home.

“I couldn’t agree with you more. Lexie’s home waiting.” Kade grinned.

“I really don’t need to know you’re going to get laid,” Derek muttered.

Lucas coughed.

Kade shot Derek a nasty look. “Hey, that’s Lexie you’re talking about.”

Derek held up one hand in apology. “Right. I got it.”

“No, you don’t. But someday I figure you will.” Kade rose to his feet, and both he and Derek made their way out, shutting the door behind them.

Lucas began to pack up his laptop along with some work to take home when his desk phone rang. He picked it up quickly. “Yes, Tessa?”

“You have a visitor,” she said.

“Whoever it is, I’m done for the day. And you can get going too,” he told her.

Lucas might not have a woman waiting for him the way Kade did, but he got to see Maxie at the end of the day, and that was enough to lure Lucas away from work.

“Okay, boss. I’m sorry, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Monroe isn’t seeing anyone today,” Lucas heard Tessa say before she disconnected their call.

Maxie was here?

He jumped up from his seat and nearly vaulted across his desk in an effort to make sure she didn’t leave before he could get there.

He swung open the door, catching sight of her standing beside Tessa. Dressed in the same work clothes from this morning, she wore a simple black skirt that hit above the knee, heels, and a cream-colored blouse that showed off her luscious curves. Her hair, clipped off her face, fell over her shoulders in sexy waves.

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