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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

Page 35

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He stepped back and looked her over, his dark, heated gaze devouring her from head to toe. “So damned sexy,” he muttered.

Beneath his heady gaze, she felt sexy. And wanted.

Without warning, he spun her around. “Hands on the desk.”

At his gruff tone, she grew wetter between her thighs. She did as he asked, bracing her hands against the cool surface.

From behind her, she heard the sounds of him undoing his zipper. She looked over her shoulder as he dropped his pants and boxer briefs to the floor, kicking them off.

Then he was behind her, hands on her upper back, leaning her over the desktop. Her breasts pressed against the aluminum, a surprisingly arousing sensation of cool metal against her silk-covered nipples.

He cupped one ass cheek in his big hand and squeezed so hard she might have his fingerprints there the next day. But not only did his touch feel good, tomorrow she’d be reminded of this moment and of Lucas. She purred at the thought.

“I dreamed about this,” he said as he slid one hand between her thighs and captured her slickness in his fingertips, spreading the moisture over her sex. “You, bent over my desk, me taking you from behind.”

The next sound she heard was the crinkling of a condom package. He stepped back and soon returned, nudging the head of his cock inside her. She gasped at the initial breach, sighed at the pulsing sensation of him gliding home, hitting deeper than he had the last time.

“Oh God.” She cried out, and he cupped his hand over her mouth.

“Do you want the whole office banging down the door to see what’s going on?”

She shook her head hard. I’ll be quiet, she thought, but couldn’t say the words out loud. Instead she licked at his hand, nipping at his salty flesh.

He groaned and pulled out. She felt the loss for a split second too long before he tunneled back into her again. Her fingers clawed at the desk as he began to take her at a steady pace. One that, with each thrust, brought her body higher, had her soaring beyond anything she’d experienced in her life.

He pulled at her hair, tipping her head back so he could nuzzle at her neck with every push into her. “I’m close,” he said, the words coming out like a groan in her ear. “And I’m not coming alone.”

He reached around and slid one finger over her clit. Thunder roared and light flashed behind her eyes as her climax hit. He slammed into her once, twice more, coming with a roar and her name echoing around her.

She breathed heavily, her cheek against the desk as he collapsed against her, his big body pinning her down, his breath rumbling roughly against her.

Finally, he stood up. Pulled out. And she felt the loss. Between her thighs, she felt a sweet ache. Though she heard the rustling sound of his pants behind her, she couldn’t move.

Not until he lifted her up, brushing her hair out of her face. “You okay?” he asked, his expression concerned.

“Never better,” she murmured, but she was suddenly aware of the stickiness on her legs and being half-naked in his office.

She started for her clothes, but he beat her to it, scooping her skirt and panties off the floor. “Here.” He knelt down, holding them for her to step into.

Her skirt followed, and she tucked herself in, fixing herself though she knew it was going to be perfectly obvious what they’d been doing in here.

Which brought a flush to her face. “Well, that was…”

“Great sex?” he asked, winking at her.

It was. But they both knew it had also been so much more.

Lucas called ahead and ordered dinner for them to pick up on their way home. When they arrived at the apartment, she announced her intention to shower before dinner, and he said he’d do the same. There was no awkward discussion, and she was grateful for the escape and the chance to catch her breath. Still, she didn’t overthink things, instead rushed to get ready for dinner. They ate pizza and a salad and cleaned up together. Again, casual, relaxed, and easy.

He was obviously going to respect her boundaries, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. She refused to wonder why a part of her was disappointed he wasn’t pushing for more.

She turned in for the night, changed into her favorite comfy tee shirt, brushed her teeth, and settled in to read. Twenty minutes later, a knock sounded on her door.

Knowing it was Lucas, her stomach flipped in excitement, and her body softened in anticipation. Darn it. She couldn’t even think about him being on the other side of the wall without wanting him.

She put her reader down, slid out of bed, and opened the door.

He stood in a pair of gray sweats hanging low on his hips and nothing more. She came face-to-face with the sexy razor stubble on his beard and the ink down his arm and across his rib cage.

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