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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

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“Well, I didn’t check it because I don’t have the right computer, but what else would the bastard have hidden in the arm of my baby mobile?” She raised an eyebrow as if daring him to doubt her conclusion.

He plucked the drive from her hand. “I’m sure you’re right. But let’s find out for certain.” Heart pounding with the possibility that the nightmare could be over, he headed to his office and turned on his computer.

He inserted a card reader and put the USB drive in. He clicked a few buttons and brought up the information on the drive. Names and numbers came up on the screen.

“It’s a string of symbols and numbers,” Lucas said and ejected the drive. “That’s all we need to know. No confessions here that we need to feel guilty about. The bastard can have his drive and get out of our lives.”

“Thank God,” she murmured.

“Considering he’s been hanging around, it shouldn’t be too hard for me to do a handoff tomorrow.” Lucas palmed the small item in his hand.

She cleared her throat, and he looked up, meeting her gaze. “For who to do a handoff tomorrow?” she pointedly asked, her gaze serious and intent on his.

He caught on to her meaning immediately. And though he didn’t like the idea of bringing her with him to meet with Bernardi, he understood. She had the biggest stake in this situation. Bernardi had come to her directly. And she had a right to handle things in her own life.

So as much as he’d rather be the big bad protector, he pushed back those caveman instincts. “We will do the hand-off,” he amended.

A bright smile took hold of her face.

“How the hell did you find it?” he asked.

She drew in a deep breath. “I was thinking about where I am in life, and how I was feeling… and I decided it was time to get rid of the box of baby things.”

He’d seen her reaction to the box and knew how much the items inside meant to her, what they represented, both in terms of pain and lost hope. He admired her bravery and didn’t want to push for answers as to why. It was enough for him that she was ready to move on.

“I wanted to look through them one more time. And when I picked up the mobile, the arm fell off and the drive fell out. It was ju

st that simple. Keith must have figured I’d never open the box or look inside. Can you imagine how unfeeling and callous he had to be to hide something in a box of precious things?” She shook her head, her disbelief as strong as his.

“I don’t think we’ll ever understand anything my brother did.”

She nodded. “I think if the day came when I did, I’d scare myself.”

He laughed. “Well, tomorrow we can send Bernardi on his way. Tonight, we celebrate.”

* * *

Maxie thought celebrating was a fine idea. All she had to do was look at Lucas and her body softened, desire sweeping through her. From the heated look in his eyes, he wanted her too, and she was on board.

He plunged his hand into her hair and pulled her against him, his lips coming down on hers.

She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, the kiss one of mutual need and growing hunger. He nipped at her bottom lip, then slid his tongue inside, tangling with hers. He dominated her with his big hand in her hair, and she clung to him, her breasts pressed against his chest, desire pulsing through her core. Her heart beat out a rapid rhythm as she lost sense of time and place. Nothing existed but Lucas and the depth of need he both pulled from inside her and also exhibited with this one kiss.

With a low growl, he broke the kiss, picked her up, and carried her to his bedroom. “This caveman side of you turns me on,” she said, rubbing her cheek against his roughened one.

“Good to know.” He deposited her on the bed and stripped off his clothes. She wriggled out of her pajamas and leaned back against the mattress and pillows, waiting.

He grabbed a condom and tossed it onto the bed. Then his gaze locked on hers, sliding from her face, down her naked body, his gaze darkening with pure need.

Feeling emboldened by the look in his eyes, she bent one knee, exposing herself to his view.

He wrapped a hand around his cock, pumping from base to tip and back again. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Her body was already on fire, and her heart melted at his words. “Come here,” she whispered.

He slid onto the bed beside her, his erection gliding over her hip, the tip dampening her skin. He pressed a soft kiss to her collarbone, licking her flesh, working his way lower, until he reached her full breasts.

He cupped one in his hand and pulled her nipple into his mouth, suckling on the sensitive tip until her hips rose on the bed, an aching emptiness between her thighs.

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