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Dare to Love (Dare to Love 1)

Page 23

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Just like that, he

was gone.

“No!” She squirmed helplessly on the bed, fighting the bindings, angry at him for playing with her, when she heard the crinkling of a wrapper and closed her eyes in blessed relief.

“Easy.” He stroked her cheek, and she turned into his touch, needing relief in whatever form he offered it.

She forced her eyes open, and he loomed over her. “Good girl,” he said, his gaze dark and approving. “Eyes on me. I want you to know who is giving you pleasure.”

“I’m pretty sure I know,” she assured him, barely recognizing her raspy voice.

He grinned and tweaked her nipple. She arched into him once more.

“Next time you come, you do it with me inside you,” he told her, his gaze never leaving hers as he positioned himself at her entrance and thrust home.

He filled her completely, and flashes of light danced in front of her eyes followed by the prickle of unexpected tears. Sex had never undone her like this before, and it scared her. Her feelings scared her. He’d made her come so many times she’d lost the barriers and walls she normally kept in place. That and he was big, and it had been so long since she’d been with a man, the unexpected sting took her by surprise. And that was the only part of the story she planned to tell herself—and him.

Ian caught the sheen in her eyes and stilled. “Shit.”

He started to pull out, and she clamped her body around his.

“Don’t,” she said, her eyes wide.

“I hurt you.” The last thing he’d wanted to do.

She shook her head. “It’s been awhile. I just need to breathe. And adjust. You’re big,” she said, turning away.

Ridiculous pride washed through him at her admission. He touched her cheek, turning her head back to him. “You should have told me.”

“Ruin the mood and send you running before we got to the good stuff?” she asked lightly.

“The other stuff wasn’t good?” he asked, holding himself stiff, waiting and watching her intently.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, a novel experience. A woman laughing while he was hard and thick inside her. Him wanting to smile too.

“No, Ian, it wasn’t good. It was spectacular,” she said on a little moan accompanied by a twist of her pelvis that pulled him deeper.

Still hot and moist, she was beyond ready for him, and he relaxed his arms and lowered his head, wrapping his mouth around one of her luscious nipples and teasing her until she began to writhe and moan beneath him.

“Oh my God, I think I’m going to—” She cried out and rolled against him, her orgasm crashing over her from the suction of him suckling on her breast.

She was even more slippery now and completely ready, and he began a steady pumping of his hips, taking her hard and fast. She writhed against him, her climax seeming to never end, or maybe she’d just peaked again.

He only knew he’d never had this depth of want or need. He had to have her, take her, own all of her, and he did, with a hard thrust of his cock in her warm flesh, pushing deeper each time he pulled out then slid back inside.


The sound of his name inflamed his desire.

Need, want, and something very much like emotion overloaded inside him. He took her with deliberate near-punishing thrusts that she accepted and matched by arching her hips in time to his. It didn’t take long; he’d been close since watching her come so many times. His balls drew up tight, and the sudden explosion detonated inside him as he came harder than ever before. He continued to jerk against her until he had no energy left. No thoughts, nothing.

He collapsed on top of her, his body soaking in sweat, hers damp beneath him. Their ragged breathing was the only sound echoing in his ears when reality came back to him. He’d taken her like a man possessed, never stopping to ask if she was okay.

Cursing himself, he reached up and loosened the bindings, slowly lowering her arms and massaging her gently. “Okay?” he managed to ask.

“Mmm,” was her only reply.

He made sure she could easily lower her arms and was comfortable before wrapping himself around her and cocooning her in warmth. Not something he usually did, but then again, his typical woman knew he wasn’t spending the night in her apartment, and he’d never brought a woman here before.

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