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Dare to Love (Dare to Love 1)

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He grasped her wrist. “I know what you need, and I want to be the one to give it to you.”

“Tell me that includes you keeping control in the bedroom, because there are places I really don’t mind you taking over.”

“Is that a yes to my proposal?” he asked, his heart still hammering hard in his chest.

She wriggled her fingers in front of him. “Yes. Yes!”

He slid the ring onto her finger, grateful his sister had guessed her finger size correctly.

He rose and settled back on the couch, pulling her into his arms.

She sighed and snuggled close.

He didn’t know how long they lay, her heart beating against his chest, but it was long enough for everything inside him to settle and for him to find the peace that had always eluded him.

Peace he sensed he’d now have, every day for the rest of his life, because he’d finally done what he’d always thought was impossible. He’

d dared to love. And he had Riley to thank for teaching him how.


6 Months Later

Surrounded by his siblings, real and half, Alex nursed a beer as he glanced around his half brother’s apartment. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The food was phenomenal, Ian having spared no expense. He was doing his damnedest not to follow up every thought of Ian with an expletive or complaint, but old habits were hard to break.

The lovebirds couldn’t take their hands off each other. Considering this was an engagement party, as well as a redo of the family event he’d botched a few months ago, Alex figured that was to be expected.

He wondered how long he had to stay before he could bow out and not have it look suspicious.

“What’s with the scowl?” his sister Sienna asked.

“I’m not scowling.” Was he?

“You’re okay, right?” She wrapped her arms around him for a tight hug.

“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

She frowned at him. “You can fool the others, but I know you. You’re jealous of Ian and Riley, and I’m worried about you.”

Her words hit him where it hurt. “I am not jealous.”

She settled her hands on her hips. “You’ve had Riley to yourself for years. Then Ian comes along and…well, you wouldn’t be human if you weren’t a little envious of what they have.”

Even if he was, Alex wouldn’t admit it out loud. Not even to the sister he loved. “It’s fine. I want her to be happy, even if it is with him.” He nodded toward Ian, doing his best to keep his expression neutral.

“Are you sure you aren’t…a little bit in love with her?” Sienna asked.

Alex blanched. “Hell no. That’d be the same as thinking of you that way.”

Sienna raised one eyebrow. “That was a quick denial.”

“Look, maybe once, a long time ago…” He shook his head, not wanting to remember or even admit that, yeah, he’d once had feelings for Riley. Feelings that had been in no way brotherly.

Then he’d kissed her, she’d freaked out, saying they were such good friends, why ruin it, and he’d agreed. Quickly. Better that than to lose her, which seemed a certainty given that she clearly hadn’t felt the same way about him.

Since then, he hadn’t had to worry about her finding anyone serious, until Ian. His half brother. Well, whatever. The families were making their peace, and he had to live with it.

“Yeah, I thought so.” Sienna clasped her small hand in his. “I just think facing your feelings is better than avoiding them. You don’t have to tell anyone else, but I’m here for you, okay?”

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