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Dare to Rock (Dare to Love 5)

Page 38

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After Avery disappeared into her room, Grey pocketed the sheets of paper from the notepad he’d been writing in. It had been awhile since he’d worked on new lyrics. Being with Avery again had opened up the creative side of his brain that had shut down after Milo’s overdose. He’d channeled all the longing, the need and desire into words that flowed onto the pages. Later he’d play with his guitar, putting them to the music floating in his head.

Being with Avery sparked his imagination. Of course it was hell not touching her as he’d watched her help Tyler. She’d pulled her long hair into a ponytail that bounced against her back as she moved. Her sweet ass, enclosed in tight, denim shorts, had provided dirty thoughts and distractions, none of which he could act on with her brother in the room. But their banter and bickering had also helped his artistic expression. Anything she did, it seemed, brought out the best in his muse.

When she finally rejoined him, she’d changed into a flowing lavender sundress with a halter top that cinched at the waist, accentuating her sexy curves. It was a casual dress, perfect for his mom’s impromptu barbeque that she’d insisted on putting together when she heard not only was Grey coming over, he was bringing Avery. The excitement in her voice helped quell Grey’s nerves and guilt, though he knew neither would go away completely until he apologized and explained.

For now, his focus was on his girl. He refused to think of Avery as anything less and whistled appreciatively as she entered the room.

She blushed, twirled, and curtsied. “Glad you like.”

Nothing not to like, he thought and grinned. “Are you ready to face the lions?”

The smile on her face fell a bit, and his heart squeezed at how easily he’d taken her happiness.

“Didn’t Tyler say they were gone from out front?” she asked.

Grey nodded. “They are. But one of them could be waiting on a public road, ready to follow us. They take pictures from cars too,” he explained, knowing she had to understand every part of his life.

She swallowed hard. “We’ll have Rick Devlin following us,” she said of the bodyguard her brother had assigned to her.

She’d objected to being driven around like a pampered princess, so Grey and her brother had agreed to let Rick tail her instead. Marco often doubled as Grey’s driver when going to and from venues for concerts and appearances, but he didn’t think things were that intense at the moment.

They’d be fine. He didn’t like the idea of needing protection, but he couldn’t expect Avery to accept things easily if he didn’t.

“Good point,” he said with a forced smile on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Avery looked at him with concern in her pr

etty eyes.

Fuck that. He didn’t want to make her sad or have her worry unnecessarily.

He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Not a thing. I’m actually looking forward to being alone with you in the car and taking a nice drive in my Aston Martin,” he said with an easier, more genuine grin.

She groaned. “Better than us slumming it in my BMW. Jeez, Grey, do you hear yourself?”

He laughed. “Only the best for you, Very. The Aston Martin it is.”

A little while later, Avery gave Rick the keys to Grey’s car in a discreet exchange at the building’s entrance. The bodyguard pulled up front for them. He and Grey exchanged places, Avery sliding into the passenger seat, no photographers, no incident. Still, knowing they were driving his showy car, Grey wore a Mariner’s cap Avery had lying around along with his sunglasses. Avery slid hers on too, and with Rick following close behind, they were on their way.

During the drive to Grey’s parents’, Avery chatted about Rick, who apparently had also done bodyguard duty for her sister-in-law Meg a few months ago. Grey kept an eye on him in the rearview mirror. The guy kept up with his driving and clearly had an eye on the road and another one behind him. Grey relaxed when he realized the other man would keep Avery safe when Grey wasn’t around.

They pulled up to the patio home Grey had bought for his mother and stepfather in a safe, gated community. Because of Grey’s fame, he’d insisted on a development with security for his mom, and they’d accepted his requirement in exchange for some of their own. Namely no cookie cutter complex where all homes looked alike, and they wanted the ability to do gardening on the grounds of their home themselves. No community association telling them what they could and couldn’t plant, what their house had to look like, or who they had to hire for the things they couldn’t do themselves.

Grey’d been so happy they had been willing to leave the not-so-safe area where he’d grown up, he’d deposited money into an account and stepped back. Too far back, he accepted now. As he parked the car, he drew in a deep breath. Time to make amends, he thought.

He looked at the immaculate, beautifully manicured lawn and shrubbery. He didn’t know the name of one plant or flower they’d planted, nor did he care. But as he admired the adobe-colored house with a dark roof, the just-cut green lawn, and the pretty flowers scattered throughout, Grey acknowledged for the first time that the small home they’d chosen suited them.

Grey exited and helped Avery out of the vehicle, aware of Rick in the car, parked and idling, behind them. Avery seemed not to be bothered by her shadow, and she quickly slipped her hand into Grey’s, as if she sensed how much he needed her warmth and support as they readied to see his mom and stepdad.

“It’s a great community,” she said. “We passed a clubhouse, and there are so many people outside walking their dogs. They must love it here.”

Grey nodded. “I was just thinking how perfect it is,” he said. “The right size and so immaculate outside. I bet they did it all themselves.” To his surprise, he heard the pride and admiration in his voice.

Avery gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. She turned toward him, a smile on her face, so open and sweet he had to have a taste. “The house itself is so beautiful.”

He braced his hands on either side of her face. “So are you,” he said, his tone as gruff as the sudden surge of need. He always wanted her, but every damn time he looked into those eyes, it caught him off guard.

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