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Dare to Rock (Dare to Love 5)

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Again, she was dealing. She’d made an appointment to discuss her medications, and she still hoped she could cut down one day soon. And if dealing with her father occasionally made her crazy, the money he’d donated to her cause was more than worth it. As was putting a childhood’s worth of pain behind her.

“Grey?” she asked, meeting his heated gaze in the mirror as he stood behind her. “Do you want something?”

“For you to grab the counter, bend over, and let me have my way with you.” He cocked an eyebrow and practically devoured her with his gaze.

She bent over as directed and wiggled her ass his way before straightening. “Sorry, but we have to get going. Can you hand me my dress?” she asked, doing her best to sound unaffected.

But the truth was, she wished they did have time, because now she was wet, and her desire to feel him hot and thick inside her had been growing since seeing him looking all devastating in his tux.

He let out a low growl. “You will pay for that little tease later.”

“Promise?” She leaned over and kissed his cheek, inhaling the smell of his aftershave—and him.

Before she could dance out of the way, he grasped her waist and pulled her to him, her nearly naked body brushing against his formally clad one. The thick fabric did nothing to hide his massive erection, and it was an erotic feeling, being undressed and desired while he was fully clothed.

His fingers trailed up from her waist until his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts.

She trembled and felt her nipples pucker into hard and needy points. That white dress was going to give people one hell of a show unless she got herself under control.

Without warning, he slid his hands back to her waist.

She moaned her complaint and he grinned. “I need you focused and that wasn’t helping,” he said.

“What is it?” she asked.

He tipped her head back and looked into her eyes. “Before things get crazy tonight, I wanted to make sure you knew how proud I am of you. You’ve come so far in such a short time when it comes to us, and you put together not just a prom for seriously ill children, you formed an entire fund for their benefit.”

His words and approval warmed her, but she didn’t know how to explain the recent changes. “I’d been feeling that growing need to get over the past so I could move forward with you. Then I fainted, and when I came to I was just … so tired of being emotionally crippled.”

He shook his head. “That is too strong a description. You had every right to be wary of me and my life.”

She didn’t want to argue. “Fine, but the thing that gave me the final push in the end was that I realized I wanted something so badly I couldn’t imagine living without it.”

A pleased smile lifted his sexy lips. “What would that be?” he asked in a gruff voice.

That question had an easy answer. “Us,” she murmured. “I wanted us.”

He kissed her hard, turned her around, and pulled her panties down her legs. It was fast, loving, and oh so necessary. Especially when he came inside her, shouting out not just her name but a gruff I love you before collapsing against her.

They made it to the party in the nick of time.

Chapter Thirteen

Halfway through the night, Avery counted the event a success. The room was decorated in blue and gold, the colors chosen by the kids in a poll done by the nursing staff during their rounds. The Mylar balloons and streamers, along with matching plates and silverware, tablecloths, cups, and almost everything else had been provided by a local company that Sienna had arm-twisted into a full donation, not just a discounted rate. She was a true Dare when it came to getting what she wanted, Avery thought.

And everything was documented for posterity. Thanks to the interview she’d done to draw attention to her cause, a local photographer had reached out and offered to take pictures of the event and provide copies to the families free of charge.

Music sounded from an iPod speaker system, the songs also chosen by the attendees. Avery made sure to spend time with each of the children, complimenting them on their formal wear, talking to them, and finding out how they were enjoying the night. But by far, her favorite part of the evening so far was introducing Grey to the kids and watching their eyes open wide with wonder and excitement.

He, like Lola, who had surprised her by arriving along with her promised gifts, spent time with them all. Avery couldn’t remember a time when her heart was fuller.

Almost every member of her family had made a brief appearance, offering their love, hugs, and support. Her mother was the first to arrive along with her fiancé, Michael Brooks, and the last to leave. None of her siblings lingered, understanding that the night was about the children. But knowing they cared enough to stop by warmed every part of Avery’s heart.

“Avery, a word?”

She turned at the sound of her father’s voice, the one family member she hadn’t yet seen. “Dad. I—” She stopped herself before saying, I wondered if you’d show up. “I’m glad you’re here,” she said instead.

“I know I haven’t been much of a father, and I’m sorry you had to spell it out for me that way. But—”

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