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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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“You’re sensitive, aren’t you?”

She nodded. “That’s sort of … new. I never—” But she was so close. Could she really come from him playing with her breasts alone?

“You will now.” He followed that comment by lavishing her with the most wonderful tugs, pulls, and twists of his fingers and wet laps of his tongue.

As if he’d tapped into a powder keg, sparks flew from her nipples to her clit, a dull roar filled her head, and suddenly he slid his fingers over her sex, adding to the maelstrom. The sounds surrounding her were unfamiliar, loud, and she realized, coming from her. He slid two fingers back and forth over her clit, the pressure building and making her ready to detonate.

“Come, baby.”

His words triggered the explosion, and her body began to pulse and fly, her orgasm a living, breathing thing that consumed her, body and soul. The waves of pleasure went on and on with Scott in control, his rough voice and slick fingers taking her on a glorious ride.

She came back to herself as he braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, his large body over hers. “Good?” he asked.

Her lips lifted in what had to be a loopy grin. “Yes, hotshot. You proved you’re a man of your word.”

“Not yet, I haven’t.” His gaze met hers, that penetrating stare zeroing in. “I promised you’d come often. That was just once.” He slid his erection back and forth over her sex, and what little breath she’d regained left in a whoosh.


She swallowed hard. “I think there are some left in my drawer.” She looked away.

He pressed a hard kiss to her lips, retrieved protection, ripped the foil open, and slid it on. “I need to feel you wet and hot around my cock.” He rocked his thick member lower, nudging at her entrance, gliding in, pulling out with short thrusts and rough groans. Back and forth with obvious care.

She had the distinct feeling he was going slowly in deference to her, and that was the last thing she wanted. “I’m not going to break,” she told him.

He studied her as if searching for answers, his need obvious in his taut expression. He was holding back.

“The doctor didn’t give me any restrictions.” She arched her hips and clasped him more tightly inside her, drawing her knees up and pulling him in deeper.

With a groan, he broke and thrust hard, filling her up completely. He was so big, and she reveled in the fullness. She wrapped her arms around him, and he didn’t stop her from touching him this time, so she took the time to memorize the moment. The way his hard body molded to hers, the thickness of him inside her, and his heady, arousing scent. She didn’t want to forget a second of this moment and knew she never would.

“Can’t not move,” he muttered and began a steady pounding inside her, giving her everything, holding nothing back.

His body felt glorious inside hers, and to her shock, pleasure began to tease her again, another climax building quickly. He took her hard, his thrusts culminating with a grind of his hips, the angle of his penetration hitting a spot she’d never known existed but was sheer bliss. Sweat broke out on his body, and his rough groans sounded in her ear.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he said as his lips came down on hers, his deliberate thrusts never ceasing. “Meg!” He groaned and slammed into her over and over, his release obvious and so hot it triggered her own. Soaring again, she came, her entire being narrowing to the epic sensations pouring over her and the man atop her who’d rocked her world.

She was still breathing hard when Scott pulled out and headed for the bathroom. He returned seconds later, wasting no time in gathering her into his arms and throwing one big leg over hers.

Was he planning on staying? she wondered, panicked. That wasn’t what they’d agreed on. She’d enjoyed him too much and would come to want so much more if he didn’t get up and leave now. So she lay stiff in his arms, unsure of what to say or do next.

Scott apparently had no such qualms. He kissed her neck, soft, sexy slides of his mouth that had her squirming because she liked them so much.

“Relax, baby,” he said drowsily. “The world won’t end if I fall asleep here.” And from the lazy drawl of his words, he intended to do just that.

* * *

Scott awoke in a strange bed, loud sounds coming from the other room. He was in Meg’s bedroom. He grinned and stretched, feeling too damned pleased considering that, without a doubt, she wanted him gone. He understood the sentiment. They’d agreed on hot sex and nothing more. Of course he’d had a hunch he wouldn’t be satisfied with just one night, and in the bright light of day, he’d been right. He didn’t understand why he wanted to get entangled with a woman whose life was damned complicated. Given his history, it made little sense. But right now he was in. He’d figure out his own issues later.

He headed for the bathroom, discovering it steamy. Meg had obviously already showered and dressed, no doubt steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. He shrugged. He’d just have to keep her off-balance if he wanted to break through her walls.

He took a quick shower of his own, lathering in her soap, using her shampoo. Both smells made him hard, but he was well aware he wasn’t getting any this morning. He just needed to assess the lay of the land for the future before heading out.

Dressed in his clothes from yesterday, he found her in the kitchen, her back to the door. She wore a pair of sweats and a pale green tee shirt, her damp hair hanging long in the back, curling as it dried.

“Good morning.”

She jumped and turned toward him. “You startled me.”

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