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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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Later, as he slept beside her, Meg’s thoughts worked in a frenzied panic, as she tried to make sense of his sudden intrusion into her life. She’d been so determined to make a go of it alone. So sure she could easily hang on to her resolve not to get involved or rely on any man. Then Scott Dare bulldozed his way into her life and her bed.

She listened to his deep, even breathing and felt the heavy press of his arm curled around her waist. He was so strong and solid, so … reliable. He reminded her of Dylan, her high school boyfriend and, later in life, her best friend.

She blew out a deep breath. Dylan had been her one and only decent choice. A really great guy, and though their initial breakup had been mutual when they’d gone off to college, when they’d met up again later, she’d fallen again hard. He hadn’t. And when he’d said they were better as just friends, she’d swallowed her feelings and pride and agreed, telling him she felt the same way. Better to have him in her life as a friend than to lose him because her feelings made him uncomfortable.

At this point, all she felt for Dylan was a brotherly friendship. But back then? His unwitting rejection had reinforced the truth. Good guys didn’t find Meg worthy of sticking around. No guy did. First her father, who wasn’t a good guy. Then Dylan, who really was. Point made. And she’d chosen accordingly after that, picking the worst, hoping for the best, and never, ever getting it.

Scott was a challenge because Meg knew herself. She had a horrible tendency to fall hard and fast, and this man, with his protective tendencies and bossy air, would make it way too easy.

But soon enough, he’d realize he didn’t want to stick around as she grew big with another man’s baby. Why would he want to raise someone else’s kid?

A sharp pain sliced through her chest, but she relished the warning. The pain would help her remember and stay strong. Like Dylan, Scott would get tired of her needy ways. He’d turn away from Meg and the ready-made family she came with. No matter how nicely he handled it, if she wasn’t prepared, his rejection would break her, like Dylan nearly had.

She’d just have to be aware and stronger than her heart. She would enjoy him now, but she wouldn’t allow herself to get attached. Either she’d walk away first or she’d be prepared when he decided the time came.

* * *

Scott woke up in Meg’s bed, the sun streaming through the windows, feeling one hundred percent different about this morning after than the last one. He’d pushed past her reserve and her walls, and with a little luck, she wouldn’t grow cold and distant this morning. They had places to go and people to see. And he wanted to spend time with her outside of bed.

Last night had been phenomenal. Not just the sex, although Jesus… He’d never been with a woman without using a condom. Neither he nor Leah had wanted kids, and he’d always used protection. True, it had failed, but he’d used it. So Meg? Feeling her hot walls clasping around him, knowing there was nothing between them, it was heaven times a fucking thousand. Not to mention, she could read him well. She’d figured out immediately there was more to his feelings about Tyler’s offer than just whether or not he should leave his job. The brother he admired and looked up to found him worthy of joining him as an equal. That also rocked.

Life was looking up, he thought, heading for the bathroom. He showered, once again using Meg’s soap and shampoo, and getting hard as he inhaled the familiar scent. It reminded him of Meg, how she looked in bed, dark hair splayed around her, big brown eyes looking up at him with trust and arousal twinkling in the chocolate depths.

Fuck. He gripped his cock and began pumping with his hand, using the soap that smelled like her to lubricate his hand as he pretended it was her tight pussy tugging at him and milking him to completion. It didn’t take long for him to come in long spurts, giving him a shot at getting through the day without dragging her into a secluded place somewhere to ease the constant ache.

He dressed in yesterday’s clothes and decided a stop at his place was in order. He strode into the kitchen to find Meg standing at the counter, drinking the same pink protein shake as last time.


She turned toward him and grinned. “Morning to you too.”

Muscles he hadn’t realized he’d been clenching released at her easy greeting. He strode over, determined to set the tone for not just the day but for how he wanted things to be between them from now on.

He slid a hand behind her neck and pulled her in for a long, deep, strawberry-tasting kiss. He made sure to taste her completely, his tongue stroking the inner recesses of her mouth before he ended it with a quick swipe of her lower lip.

“Delicious,” he murmured, meeting her gaze and amused by the dazed look in her pretty brown eyes.

“What’s on your agenda today?” he asked.

“Nothing exciting,” she said, turning away and heading for the sink, where she busied herself rinsing her glass.

He narrowed his gaze. “Remember what I said? Everything about you interests me. What’s up today?” he asked again.

“I need to go maternity clothes shopping,” she muttered, not turning around.

He walked over and surrounded her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I can manage a stop by the mall.”

She shook her head. “No. You do not want to come while I try on fat clothes.”

She set the glass in the sink and attempted to wrench away from him, but he held her in place. “What the hell, Meg?” He turned her around and lifted her chin. Tears burned in her eyes, and he narrowed his gaze. “Fat clothes?” he asked, trying not to get angry and to understand instead.

She remained stubbornly silent.

He shook his head, totally at a loss. Sometimes women fucking confounded him. “What’s with the embarrassment?”

“Men,” she muttered. She sniffed and shook her head. “Sure, you’re here now. My body is reasonably fit. I’m not stupid enough to

think you’ll still be here when I’m big like a whale, so can we skip the embarrassment of you seeing me shopping for stretchy pants with a pouch in front? I’m sure you have better things to do, and besides, I already have plans with my friend Lizzy.”

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