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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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Sweat broke out on his forehead and back as desire and the primal need to own her washed over him. He took her hard, knowing she could handle it, understanding that she wanted him as much and as badly as he needed her.

They strove toward climax together, her nails digging into his back as she arched and ground against him. Physically, it was fast and furious, but at the core, there was something stronger pushing at him from his subconscious, an emotional connection he’d never experienced before, during or outside of sex. He knew what it was, even as he understood it was too soon, too fast. Even as it scared him.

And then her climax hit, and she screamed his name, shuddering around him, her sex clasping his cock in warmth and heat, and he came hard, emptying himself inside her and thankfully shutting down every other part of him, especially the emotions rampaging through his brain.

He became aware of her heavy breathing beneath him and rolled over, so as not to crush her.

She turned her head and met his gaze, a flush staining her cheeks. “That was … hot,” she said, a grin on her face.

“That you are, baby.”

She closed her eyes and obviously focused on slowing her breathing. “I don’t, that is…” She stammered over her words. “It has to be the pregnancy hormones,” she muttered finally.

He knew exactly what she was referring to. “It’s not the hormones,” he said, disgruntled. He’d had enough sex—he’d even had sex with his pregnant ex—to know better. Nothing he’d ever experienced came close to Scott and Meg together.

He reached for her, pulling her on top of him. “This,” he said, punctuating the word by rolling his cock against her sex, “isn’t just random fucking hormones.”

Her eyes opened wide. She was surprised either by his harsh tone or his body’s already thickening response. That sure as hell shocked him.

“I didn’t mean—”

“Yeah, you did.” He crushed his mouth against hers, plowing his tongue inside and claiming her in the most primitive way possible. When he pulled back, he pressed her head into his shoulder and closed his eyes, both startled and alarmed by his primitive response to her trying to brush off something he’d never ever felt before.

They lay in silence, her breasts crushed to his chest and her warm breath on his cheek.

“Scott?” She wriggled free, and he let her roll off him.


“This is really scary,” she whispered.

His heart cracked a little bit at her admission.

“One minute I was pregnant and alone, dealing with a huge upcoming life change and an asshole ex, knowing I had to step up as the sole adult and take charge. And the next I have you barging in like some white knight, taking over.”

He met her gaze, keeping one arm around her waist. “It’s overwhelming for me too.”

Surprise flickered in her dark eyes.

“But us—we’re a good thing. You’re not in this alone anymore.” And he meant it. He was falling hard and fast for her, and he wasn’t going to fight something that felt so right.

A tear fell, and he caught it with his fingertip. “Hey. What is it?”

She met his gaze. “I don’t understand what you’re doing with me,” she said honestly. “And that’s not putting myself down or even short-changing myself. It’s a fact. But it’s also a fact that I’m grateful you’re here, and I’m not strong enough to turn you away.”

“Good. Because you’d have a real fight on your hands. Some things are just meant to be.”

“And in my experience, fairy tales don’t come true.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Don’t think too hard, okay?” Lord knew he was trying not to.

She sniffed and nodded. “I’ll try.?


“Good. Are you tired?” he asked.


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