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Dare to Desire (Dare to Love 2)

Page 13

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That one word took the heat out of her eyes, and for that he was glad. After years of people catering to his every want and need, he wasn’t a man used to apologizing. He didn’t do it often, but he’d needed to do it now, bigger and with more feeling than he’d given her so far.

“I’m sorry I threw you out of my hospital room,” he said on a deep breath. “You didn’t deserve for me to break up with you that way, and I regret how I handled things.”

But not that he’d done it, Madison thought, her heart cracking a little more. Still, an apology from Alex was a big deal and something she’d never thought she’d get. “Thank you.”

He nodded. “Now can I call my friend Jon? He’s a damned good attorney.”

She needed help but hated to take from anyone. Years of being dependent on others for the very basics had taught her to value her independence and ability to care for herself. But this situation wasn’t typical, and it wasn’t just about herself. Franny had plans for her land that Eric didn’t support, and Madison would be damned if she’d let him get his hands on the power of attorney and undermine all the good that could come from those intentions.

Her last foster family was unusual in that they had money. They didn’t rely on the state checks, as many of her past families had done. Franny had taken Madison in because she’d wanted a teenage girl around, and Eric had always resented the attention showered on her. As adults, that resentment hadn’t waned. When Daniel had passed away, he’d left the bulk of his money to his wife, but he’d given both Madison and Eric a stipend, something Eric had also begrudged her. The money wasn’t much, but the very idea that an outsider could get her hands on family money galled Eric. He was as nasty to her now as he had been as a child.

Eric worked in construction. He’d owned his own company but had driven that business into the ground during the recession. Still, he had powerful connections with people in their town who wanted his resort idea to go through. And he needed the money it would generate to get himself back on top.

He also had his grandparents’ substantial inheritance, if he hadn’t run through that cash just yet. He meant to get his way. Which meant allowing Alex to pay for top-notch legal counsel was probably a smart move. Not that she liked owing him anything, but there was more at stake than her own ego or sense of independence.

“Okay, you can make the call,” she said. “And Alex?”

“Yes?” he asked.

She met his gaze. “Thank you. Somehow I’ll pay you back.”

“You’re welcome, and I don’t want your money.”

She wasn’t about to turn a gracious gesture into an argument.

“I’ll handle it first thing tomorrow morning. Now will you relax and eat, or do you want it reheated first?”

“It’s fine.” In fact, now that the burden had been lifted somewhat, she was starving. “I’m actually hungry,” she admitted.

He grinned and shamelessly watched her eat. She was too ravenous to even care. A little while later, she’d finished off her pasta, and they’d ordered coffee.

“Alex, it’s so good to see you!” A tall older man wearing a chef’s hat and apron strode over to the table. “My Anna told me you were here. And who is this beautiful woman?”

Alex smiled at the man, then rose to shake his hand and pull him into a brief hug. “Emilio, this is Madison Evans. Madison, this is the best chef closest to my apartment,” he said, laughing. “I’m kidding. The best chef in Miami. He’s a well-kept secret, and considering how often I eat here, I’d like to keep it that way.”

“You flatter me.” The chef turned his dark gaze on Madison. “Nice to meet you, Madison.” He looked her over, ending his perusal with a warm smile. “I’m thrilled to finally meet someone special. Alex is always here alone, but he deserves—”

“Your crème brûlée dessert,” Alex said, interrupting him, for which Madison was grateful.

Neither one of them wanted her labeled as someone special in his life.

“I can take a hint. It seems like o

nly yesterday I wanted to be alone with Anna. Now? A full restaurant makes us happy, and going home at night together makes us content.” He strode off toward the kitchen, humming as he walked.

Madison smiled. “He’s a nice man.”

“One of the best,” Alex murmured, his gaze shifting to hers. An unexpected heat darkened his gorgeous eyes.

Madison shifted in her seat. “So what did you mean by your apartment? What happened to your house?”

He shrugged. “I sold it.”

She couldn’t have been more shocked. Alex loved his house. Had decorated it to his exact taste, and he’d been so proud to own it. “What? Why?” She couldn’t believe he’d parted with his gorgeous Star Island home.

“You know that program we’re instituting? Post-football planning? Well, even before Ian asked me to help with it, I knew I had to make some serious decisions. I didn’t want to worry about not being able to afford the mortgage.” He looked away, clearly embarrassed about his change in circumstances.

She blinked, proud of his foresight and the fact that he’d sacrifice. “Alex, I’m sorry. I know how much you loved the place.”

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