Dare to Desire (Dare to Love 2) - Page 25

Alex tipped his head in acknowledgment. “Hey, man. Thanks.”

Ian gave him a grim smile.

An awkward silence ensued. “Guess I better get my wife her food.”

“Congratulations. Sorry I didn’t mention it earlier. Guess I’m still working on the self-absorbed thing.”

Ian grinned. “I hear it’s part of your charm.”

“Asshole,” Alex muttered.

With a laugh, Ian walked away, leaving Alex alone with his newfound unsettling knowledge about Madison.

* * *

Madison arrived at her foster mother’s house early Sunday morning, intending to help her move to the nursing home a few short miles away. In her possession, she had the documents permitting her to take Franny with her in case Eric arrived to cause an argument. She hoped he wouldn’t, as upheaval and loud noises only upset his mother. But it would be good for Franny to have her son by her side when she entered someplace brand new.

She decided to spend some time with Franny and see what kind of day today was before putting her in the car. In the meantime, her aide would pack up the car.

“Franny?” Madison walked into the kitchen.

Franny sat dressed, staring out the window behind the table. She turned and looked at Madison. “Gracie, what took you so long to get here?”

Madison sighed. Gracie was Franny’s sister who’d passed away five years earlier. “I hit a little traffic,” she said, knowing it was easier to keep Franny settled and calm than upset her with what she didn’t remember.

“We’re going to take you to your new home today.”

Franny didn’t answer.

Madison settled into a chair beside her. The other woman’s hair, brown streaked with some gray, had been brushed and her clothes chosen by the aide. Madison worried Franny would miss Linda once she was in the home, before reminding herself Franny likely wouldn’t remember the aide soon anyway.

“The walls are pale blue, like your room is now. You said that’s one of the reasons you chose the place.”

“I love blue. It’s my favorite color. It was Daniel’s too,” Franny said, and Madison realized she had her foster mom with her again.

“Everything you’re used to having around you, the pictures, and mementos, they’re all coming with you.”

She patted Madison’s hand. “You’re so good to me.”

Madison swallowed hard. “You’ve been good to me too.” She smiled.

“Are we ready? I don’t want to spend any more time here wishing I didn’t have to leave,” Franny said.

Madison stood and held out her hand. Franny placed her smaller weathered hand inside hers, and they walked out to the car.

Eric never showed up, which left the burden of the transition entirely on Madison. But her home aide had already packed up Franny’s most important possessions and necessities, and once Madison brought her to the car, the trip went easily.

Getting Franny settled didn’t go as smoothly. Once they entered the new surroundings, Franny became argumentative and belligerent. It wasn’t something that happened often, but her aide had reported it was occurring more lately. It had led them to push ahead with the move sooner rather than later. Madison hoped the older woman would settle in with her new caretakers easily once she left.

After meeting with the director, she returned to Franny’s room to find her foster mom ranting and yelling at her new nurse, who’d delivered her dinner on a tray.

“Franny, this is Sharon, remember? You met her when we arrived.”

“Get out!” Franny yelled.

Madison stepped closer. “Listen—”

“It’s your fault I’m in here. I hate you,” Franny yelled, grabbing the food tray and throwing it at Madison.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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