Dare to Desire (Dare to Love 2) - Page 35

At the time, he’d thought he’d had his reasons for needing time alone. This morning, he regretted his selfish actions. He was well aware that Madison was still waiting for him to screw up in some way. And he had. Royally.

She wouldn’t look at him, not that he blamed her. And though he’d gotten here early enough to talk to her in their office, it had never dawned on him that she’d avoid him there and come straight to the conference room instead. He had to give her credit, she was impressive in anything she did, and as she primed the room for whatever was to come, he couldn’t tear his gaze away.

A cream-colored suit with a deep vee and matching camisole drew his attention to her full breasts. Though they were well covered, he knew exactly what those mounds looked like, how her nipples puckered when aroused, and the jacket molded perfectly to her curves. Her blue eyes flashed with passion as she spoke. Because he’d been the recipient of that fire firsthand, watching her now aroused his baser instincts, making him itch to haul her into their private office and grovel. On his knees, hands sliding beneath her skirt and begging her forgiveness in the one way he knew she couldn’t resist.

“And so I’d like to introduce Derek Fine,” Madison said, and applause broke out around the table, drawing Alex’s attention to more appropriate subjects. But that didn’t stop his body from pulsing with need.

The man she’d introduced rose and walked to the front of the room. One of his associates dimmed the lights, and Fine gestured to the wall on which now flashed a PowerPoint presentation. With his mouth like cotton and his head pounding, Alex knew he wasn’t paying nearly enough attention, but he’d just have to catch up later. He covered a yawn and tried harder to focus.

“The idea is to bring focus and attention to the problem, and who better than the man who is spearheading the effort? We suggest a national campaign at football stadiums, bus stops, and television spots. Like this.”

Alex stared in shock as his prone body flashed across the wall seconds after his career-ending hit. Each successive screen, in time to the sound of a camera shutter click, showed the succession of what had happened next, from coaches bending over him to paramedics arriving to the ultimate humiliation, his body on the stretcher, neck stabilizer holding his head in place as he was carried off the field for the final time. The words PROTECT, EDUCATE, and SUCCEED flashed beneath, ending with Alex in a suit and tie, the Thunder Dome superimposed behind him.

“What the fuck?” He swung his head away from the presentation to Madison, who thankfully had decided to look his way.

She stared back at him, unwavering. “It’s brilliant, Alex. Overcoming tragedy with triumph. You’d be showing all players what’s possible.”

“No way. I took this as a behind-the-scenes job. I’m not going to be the goddamned poster boy for the campaign so the rest of the league can view me as weak.”

“That’s not the plan,” Madison said patiently.

As if he were the freaking idiot they’d just showed on the screen. “I said no. It’s not happening.” He rose to his feet, the mild headache he’d nursed all morning suddenly full-blown. “I should’ve been consulted before this shit was presented,” he muttered and started for the door.

“Alex—” Ian rose to block his way.

“Step aside,” he warned his half brother.

Ian met his gaze. He must have seen something in Alex’s expression that had him moving away from the door. “This discussion isn’t over,” he said under his breath.

“The hell it isn’t.” Alex stormed out of the room and headed for his office, where he could grab his car keys and get the hell out of here.

* * *

Madison watched Alex storm out of the room in complete and utter shock. When she’d gauged his reaction ahead of time, she’d thought maybe he’d balk. Argue. Offer resistance until they explained why this was such a good idea. Instead, he’d marched out without discussion.

She turned back to the table and met Ian’s gaze.

“Ri? You want to talk to him?” He probably figured as Alex’s closest friend, Riley was the obvious choice to deal with him in his furious state.

Not happening, Madison thought, jumping up from her seat. “I’ll go.” If anyone was going to talk to him, it was Madison.

They had more to resolve between them than just the issue of the PR campaign … and she was feeling a bit territorial at the moment.

Riley nodded at her, a slight grin on her face.

“Can you handle Derek Fine?” she asked, ignoring her friend and approaching Ian instead.

He nodded. “I like the proposal, but I get where he’s coming from,” Ian said, surprising her.

She narrowed her gaze. “I thought he might be surprised, maybe have to be talked into it, but I didn’t anticipate such anger.” She was still shaken by his reaction.

“You didn’t see him after he was told he couldn’t play anymore,” Riley said, coming up beside them. “I mean, I know you did, but not the fallout after.” Riley touched Madison’s shoulder. “Go talk to him. He’ll listen to you.”

With a nod, Madison headed out.

She reached their office in time to catch him in the hall, car keys in hand. “We need to talk,” she said before he could speak first.

He shook his head, every muscle in his body tight. “Not now. I need to cool off first.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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