Dare to Desire (Dare to Love 2) - Page 45

“I’m busy.” He immediately pulled Madison closer to him. Today, his gesture of possession didn’t feel as warm or intimate as it had last night. It felt necessary, like he needed to prove to this woman that he had moved on.

But had he? That was the question, and Madison suddenly felt chilled despite his body heat close beside her.

Madison swallowed hard. “Alex, go ahead. See what she wants.”

“Anything you have to say, you can say to us both. This is Madison—”

“Evans. I admire the work you’re both doing with the Thunder.”

Madison narrowed her gaze. How did Rachel know about her?

“How do you know what we’re doing?” Alex asked before Madison had the chance.

“I have a proposal for you, and before I put it together, I had to know what I was up against.” It was hard to know if she meant in business or his personal life, since she looked Madison over before settling her stare on Alex once more.

“How did you know where we were?” he asked.

“You weren’t answering your cell—”

“A number you shouldn’t have had either.”

“I have sources. Anyway, I called the Thunder front office and asked how to get in touch with you. I’m based in New York. I have been since graduation. When they said you were here in the city, I managed to get the hotel name and decided I’d come to see you in person. I was on my way up to your room.”

Neither of them asked how she’d gotten her hands on that. She’d already said she had sources.

“You can talk in front of Madison,” Alex said. His frown didn’t ease, and his entire body was stiff beside hers.

Madison shook her head. “No. You go hear what Rachel has to say. I’ll meet you at our meeting.” She stepped out of his embrace and away from his touch.

“Madison,” he said on a low, unhappy growl.

She moved, putting a hand on his shoulder and whispering so only he could hear. “It’s called closure, and something tells me you need it. Go hear her out.”

Alex grumbled, arguing until he realized she wouldn’t give in. “Fine,” he muttered.

Madison walked away, her stomach in knots, her heart thudding painfully against her chest. But she had no doubt she’d done the right thing. Rachel’s actions had defined Alex’s entire adult life. He needed to come to terms with her rejection. Not to mention, he needed to hear her proposal now and process it alone, without Madison there to cloud his judgment or, heaven forbid, provide him with guilt should he still respond to the attractive woman from his past.

If Madison wanted a future with Alex, and God help her she did, she needed him free and clear of his past and his demons. And free of whatever grip Rachel still held after all these years.

* * *

Alex sat down in the hotel restaurant across from Rachel. He didn’t want to be here. He had no desire to sit across from the woman who’d broken his heart and talk about anything. And if he had to be here, he preferred Madison be by his side. He didn’t like the look on her face when she’d told him to go with Rachel.

He ordered coffee and an omelet and waited for her to do the talking. For his part, he had nothing to say. In the ensuing silence, he studied her, noting she’d aged well. Her brown hair was shorter but suited her features. But looking at her now, nothing stirred inside him. Not desire, lust, or even mild wanting. To his amazement, he didn’t even feel regret for what might have been.

So why the hell are you so angry? a voice that sounded too much like Madison asked.

Pride, his own internal voice answered. Rachel had hurt his pride by breaking up with him because the life he’d offered wasn’t good enough for her. He hadn’t been good enough for her. Now? He didn’t give a shit.

“Okay, let’s hear it,” he said, giving in and breaking the silence. “What’s so important that you had to track me down here?”

“How have you been?” she asked.

Great. She wanted to make small talk. “I’ve been wonderful. Drafted, MVP, fantastic career until I got knocked in the head a few too many times. But I’ve got a new career path, and all’s well.” He folded his arms across his chest.

She pinned him with her knowing stare, still silent.

He bit the inside of his cheek. “How have you been?” he asked in return.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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