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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

Page 36

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The sky was overcast, and it began to drizzle as he walked back to the hotel with breakfast for them both. They shared a comfortable morning, eating the muffins and coffee he’d brought back for them and talking about her job and how much she enjoyed the designing aspect and scoping out new ideas and trends. He shared how easily he’d fallen into security, choosing it because it was a natural transition from the Army, and he’d given his friends a soft place to land as well.

The only thing that marred a perfect morning was the trip to the police station for Ella to give and sign her statement for the cops. Once that was over, Tyler devoted himself to keeping her mind on more pleasurable things.

Holding hands, they spent the better part of the rainy day in the game room playing Ping-Pong with another couple who was also waiting for the sun to come out, which it finally did, late in the afternoon. And when they left to go shopping, Tyler and Ella played against each other.

It wasn’t easy watching Ella dance around in denim shorts that showcased her long, tanned legs and allowed him to daydream about them wrapped around him while his cock was hard and buried in her feminine heat. She kept him from concentrating and displayed a competitive streak he enjoyed. Especially when she’d ace him at the table, lift her arms in the air, and dance around so her breasts bounced around beneath her cropped top.

They returned to the room and changed for dinner, Ella into a lon

g white dress that fell off one shoulder, her hair in a messy bun. Before making their way to the restaurant he’d chosen, they walked on the sidewalk that ran parallel to the beach, taking their time, enjoying the view and each other.

“I didn’t know you had that kind of competitive gene. I was impressed with your killer Ping-Pong skills,” he said.

“There was a community center near my house and I used to play. I won a game or two back in the day.” She rubbed her knuckles against her chest and let out a laugh that echoed around them.

Damn but he liked hearing her relaxed and happy, and wished he could give her days like this more often. He’d called his team, and nobody had any answers so far about who could be behind the attempted break-in, so he didn’t bring it up, not wanting reality to intrude on their night.

“I hope you like seafood. I made a reservation at a quiet place called The Rusty Pelican in Key Biscayne. It’s about twenty minutes from here.”

“Seafood works for me. I worked up quite an appetite beating you today.” She met his gaze and winked, the small action so at ease he couldn’t resist some more spontaneity.

He grabbed her around the waist, dipping her low. She squealed, and as he pulled her back up, he met her halfway, kissing her where they stood. He slid his lips over hers and devoured her mouth, hungry for her since last night.

They were interrupted by the sound of applause, and he held on to her, helping her keep her balance as she straightened. An older couple walking by had stopped and clapped before moving on.

He met her gaze as an adorable blush covered her cheeks.

“Come on. Let’s go eat.” He was looking forward to more time alone with her.

He drove to the restaurant, and a little while later, a hostess was leading them to the private table he’d requested in a secluded corner of the dimly lit restaurant. Unfortunately it wasn’t dark enough to hide another couple sitting close together in a round booth. And just like when he was a kid, Tyler found himself facing his father, in an obviously compromising position. They held hands on top of the table, not even bothering with discretion.

He wanted to keep walking. Hell, he wanted to run. After all, running was what he did best. But he realized this was a turning point for him, and instead of ducking away like he’d done something wrong, he straightened his shoulders and stopped walking, facing his father. In doing so, he pulled Ella to a halt as well. She came up beside him and he felt, rather than saw, her stiffen. Obviously she was reading the situation at the table the same way he was. This wasn’t a business meeting he’d intruded upon.


“Tyler.” Even in the faint lighting, he couldn’t mistake the ruddy flush staining his father’s cheeks.

“You remember Ella Shaw?” Tyler placed a hand on her back, surprised his voice was steady.

Robert Dare nodded. He slid his napkin off his lap and pushed himself out of the booth, not introducing the woman beside him, who seemed to shrink into herself in the corner.

He stepped up to them.

“Maybe I should meet you at the table?” Ella offered, tilting her head toward the hostess waiting patiently with the menus for them to continue along with her.

“No, you’re with me.”

Robert shrugged, as if to say, suit yourself, and Tyler pulled Ella tighter against him, drawing strength from her presence.

Last time he’d been in this situation, he’d been young and alone. He appreciated knowing she stood by his side. It was a novel feeling, one he’d think about further when he’d put this mess behind him.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” his father said.

Tyler narrowed his gaze. “It’s exactly what it looks like, just like it was when I was fourteen and walked in on you and Savannah.”

Ella’s sharp intake of breath reverberated around them, and Tyler hoped his old man squirmed.

“Okay then, if you insist on making this ugly, let’s revisit what I told you then.”

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