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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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The weekend rolled around and they decided to relax at home. Well, Ella relaxed while Tyler worked on the house. She couldn’t say she minded the view, watching the substantial muscles in his back and arms flex as he moved. Although she claimed she was binge-watching a show, she’d admit to being distracted by the one he was unintentionally putting on. But when he started to use the sander, she nabbed his sound-proof headphones and watched TV in another room.

She prepared him lunch, a pesto pasta salad, with rotini pasta, tomato, and fresh mozzarella cheese, and he took a break to eat before getting back to work, thankfully not with the noisy sander.

She was finally relaxing and unwinding, just enjoying … life, when the doorbell rang.

“I’ve got it,” she called.

Tyler came up behind her, his warm body close to hers. “What are you doing? I can answer the door by myself.”

“Just being safe.”

She doubted anyone was going to come looking for her here, but she stepped aside and let him do his thing. He looked through the side window.

“It’s Avery,” he said, opening the door and letting her in.

“Hi, you two!” Avery said, joining them inside. She wore a pair of tight jeans and a loose, flowing Bohemian top in a mix of neutral colors and matching sandals.

“Hi!” Ella exclaimed, happy to see her friend.

“Just happen to be in the neighborhood?” Tyler asked, leaning against the side window.

“Good to see you too,” Avery said, kissing her brother’s cheek.

“Actually, though, I was sort of in the neighborhood. I was visiting with Mom, and you’re not far out of the way.”

“Lucky me,” he said with a wink. He liked to give her a hard time, but Tyler loved his sister, and Ella grinned, warmed by the relationship between the siblings.

“Well, good thing I’m not here to see you. I missed my best friend.”

Ella tipped her head toward Avery. “Aww. Me too.” She hugged her friend tight. “I hate having that empty room in the apartment, you know. We had a lot of fun.”

“Something tells me you’re having a lot of fun now.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“On that note, I’ll leave you two alone,” Tyler said, escaping from his sister’s prying gaze.

Avery laughed aloud. “So,” she said, turning to Ella. “Are you having fun?”

“You’re a goof. And even if I wanted to tell you, neither one of us wants to discuss my fun with your brother.”

“Eew.” Avery wrinkled her nose and nodded. “Point taken.”

“Come on in.” Ella gestured for her friend to follow her to the kitchen. “Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” she asked, playing hostess … in Tyler’s house, which felt odd.

“No thanks.” Avery sat down at the smooth wood kitchen table and glanced around. “I realize this place is a work in progress, but you really need to spruce it up. It needs warmth. A woman’s touch.”

Ella rolled her eyes as she sat down beside Avery. “It’s not my house.”

Avery leaned in close, whispering, “Tyler’s never brought a woman home with him before either.”

“Well, maybe that’s because no woman in his life has ever gotten herself into trouble before.” Ella wasn’t here because she was his girlfriend, and Avery knew all the updated details from their phone conversations. Ella was here so Tyler could make sure she was safe. Sex was a side benefit they’d both agreed upon earlier in their … relationship.

“I admit I was worried about that when we last spoke about you two being together, but he moved you in here. And when Grey moved me in with him, believe me, there was a hidden agenda. He wanted me with him and not just because of some stalker. So,” she said, lowering her voice. “If my brother has you here, there’s more to it than just safety.” She nodded, as if she was wholly sure of herself.

But Ella couldn’t afford to be so cavalier, because it was her heart on the line. Every night, when he thrust deep within her body and came without a condom inside her, she fell harder. She just refused to let herself acknowledge the words. The truth.

“Okay, change of subject. What else is going on with you?”

Ella glanced down, knowing she had to talk to someone about her father. Tyler had been gracious enough to give her space, but Avery had known her way back when. She’d been there for her when her life had been shattered by his selfish choices, so maybe she was the one to guide her now.

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